
Help im realy scared!!:(?

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i am so scared of dieing that i feel sick even thinking about it and I'm only a teenager does anyone else feel the same and does anyone have any advice for me to make me feel better or to deal with it? please help im very scared!!:( its making me ill!!!!!!!!!




  1. If you were to die tomorrow, you wouldn't be happy knowing you spent your last day on Earth being paranoid.

    First of all, you have to accept that death is eventual- you can't avoid. But you don't when it's coming. So just pre-occupy yourself with fun things. Accomplish goals set. So if you die in the next ten years you can say that you done good with your limited time.

    Just have fun, make friends. Go out and LIVE!

  2. You're not scared of dying, you're scared of living.

    Dying is a part of life, and I think it's awful that death is not kept as part of everyday life, that it's so sanitised. It used to be a real ritual, and this helped comfort those who were still alive.  

  3. You may have depression and anxiety-go see your GP he/she will be able to diagnose properly.

    You will feel better just by talking about this.

    You WILL feel better soon!

  4. When i was 11 i coudnt stop crying for like 1 month strait becuase i was so scared about dying.

    Now im 13 and im not scared of it any more . So most people go through this when there in there teens due to hormones.

  5. i went through this when i was about 11-14...

    i think you should make the most of all the good/fun things you have going on in your life and put this to the back of your mind :-)  maybe try and talk to a parent or close relative or friend.

    im assuming your at school, make the most of it and have fun!! they really are the best yrs of your life trust me lol!

  6. Dieing is a part of life.When your time comes its your time.I have died twice of heroin overdoses and brought back.(Off drugs 8 yrs). I have HIV and HepC so death is very close to my life.Maybe talk to your parents about this.Don't be scared.Sometimes death is a blessing.And don't do drugs!!

  7. Death is a part of life. You are still young and it is highly likely that you will live a long time. But it is important that you live every day as if it is your last, and not hide from life. No one knows when it will be their time to go.

       Grab all the joy you can - living under a blanket or with constant fear is no way to go. I know, I used to feel the same way.

  8. Cease all drugs/meds if you're on them AND EAT FRESH FRUIT/VEG/FOOD

    It's the c**p in our food which makes us ill

  9. Learn a bit more about death... There's a book called "Life after Death" by Ian Wilson. It's a collection of stories from people that have been clinically "dead" for a time, and the things they experience when they are "dead". Absolutely amazing.... The funny thing is, everybody that comes back has no fear of death anymore.  

  10. dieing is a part of your life and your going to die one day in your life and go to a happy place and so you don't have to worrie. =]

  11. Yeah, it's an anxiety disorder that some people go through. I personally went through it when I was about 13 until I was 15.

    The best way to deal with it is to put it in the back of your mind or find some sort of spiritual outlet, church, or something. You have to find out what works for you personally.

    Everything will be fine. =)

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