
Help!! improving my times....?

by  |  earlier

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im a 15 yr old girl and i run the mile and 2 mile, but im not getting any better.

last year i got 5:50 for the mile and 13 for the 2 mile, and i cant seem to get even close to that this year?

i know your supposed to run speed workouts and push it during practices, but my legs get too tired for the meets

my legs have never felt so exhausted before... what is wrong with me?




  1. make sure u eat healthy, stretch and do a 15 minute warm up and cool down after each hard workout. also u should do a hard workout every other day and the day after the hardworkout just go out for  a jog.

  2. you started training to late in the season. to prevent this, you should be training like a month before the season starts, so you can be in shape. your body is tired and will not let you perform the best at races. it takes 3 weeks to recover. so if you work hard today it will show 2-3 from now. it's like a "bank", you are storing and have to wait a while for deposit.

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