
Help in Myanmar?

by Guest56182  |  earlier

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I want to help the people in Myanmar. Does anybody know how I can donate clothes, blankets, money, shoes, etc. I have also saved up lots of money for this situation, would donating it be the best or should I go there and help?




  1. Go, it would be the best for all of us.

    Did you help New Orleans?

  2. Phonebreaker asked you a good and relevant question,

    we're waiting for the answer.

  3. maybe go to red cross or united nations because the military regime of myanmar doesn't accept any help

  4. If you didn't help New Orleans, why would you help Myanmar?  I'm so tired of the U.S. always having to help these little countries.  Why can't they help us?  Send us some gas!  We need cheaper gas prices and jobs.  Can Myanmar help us with that?
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