
Help in Spanish PLZ ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?

by Guest32620  |  earlier

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What are the verbs that need to have "que" after them. I think there are like 3 or 4. I can't find them anywhere in my notebook so I'm not lazy. I already know "tener" is one of them. PLZ Help




  1. well hi, yes finally my spanish speaking skills will come in handy

    "Que" as you should now means "what" and it is usually asked in a question like "Que tienes?" "what's wrong"

    so u can use any verb before the word "Que"

    here are some examples

    Que haces?- "what are you doing?"

    que tienes ?- What's Wrong? or "what do you have?"

    que quieres?- "What do u want?"

    well i hope that helps i'm most certainly sure those are the only verbs for "que"

    "buena suerte con tu tarea amigo!!!"

    good luck with ur homework??!!

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