
Help in Weight Gain?

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Well I am like 19 years old. I am 5'9 and ONLY 103 pounds (yep checked it today).

I am vegetarian. Well that's not the real problem tho.

So here the problem:

I cant seems to eat anything in the morning. I feel hungry all the time. But Whenever I try to eat in the morning I feel like I am going to throw up. Well only on heavy foods. I can eat banana, apple, or that pineapple in a box with some juice.

At night I Don't have any problem eating.

Also, I tried taking Mass x*x but every time I take it my stomach feels weird and I feel like throwing up.

And now I am just tired of this that I cant gain weight. Until 130 pound I am condsider skinny for my height. And about 150+normal. So yea i am extreamly skinny. But even if I eat fruits and good food at night why I cant seems to gain any weight?

My cosine he is little younger and he eats same or little and he is all buff and normal.

I dont even like to exercise anymore because my muscle were all tight and I got muscle cramp (thats what I think) because of that.

so yea that's the bunch of detail if u know something that can help me please tell me thank you.




  1. to gain weight you need to slow down your metabolism by consuming b-vitamins like brown bread , brown rice and brown pasta.

    take Whey protein isolate as your primary source of protein , take this when you get up, before your workout and after

    then take micellar casein before bed to preserve muscle tissue whilst you sleep this will also help you gain weight

    also increase your calorie intake by 1000 caloriesconsistingg mostly of carbs and weigh yourself at the end of a week if you have gained between 1 and 3 pounds thenfinee if not increase your intake by another 500 until you are

    I'ds alsrecommenden you trmaxi musclelpro gainin athissi is very easy to get down and is a sure fire way of gaining 2 pounds a week

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