
Help in infamous and famous people!!!!

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Please classify these people into either infamous or famous:

sun yat sen

chiang kai-shek

alexander the great

cyrus the great


queen victoria

mobutu sese seko

kofi annan

ganghis khan

johannes gutenberg

fidel castro

karl marx

emperor hirohito

martin luther


mao tse-tung

siddhartha gautama

king louis XIV

mansa musa

julius caesar

emperor mutsuhito




  1. sun yat sen     -F    

    chiang kai-shek-F

    alexander the great-F

    cyrus the great-I


    queen victoria-F

    mobutu sese seko-I

    kofi annan -I

    ganghis khan-F

    johannes gutenberg -F

    fidel castro-F

    karl marx-F

    emperor hirohito-F

    martin luther-F

    hammurabi- I

    mao tse-tung -F

    siddhartha gautama -I

    king louis XIV -F

    mansa musa -I

    julius caesar -F

    emperor mutsuhito -I

    Although, I feel there are no right or wrong answers. It based on one's own personal  realm of knowledge.

  2. Your question is very strange and totally not scientific: what are  the criteria for your choice between  famous and infamous ?

    Good and evil?

    There is almost never black and white in historic great characters. Any answer will imply a deontologic  judgement, and this is an ideological choice, not a scientific approach.

    Lets make some comments:

    Sun Yat Sen  (or Dr. Sun Zhongshan), is famous indeed : nationalist revolutionary and first President  of China, he dedicated his entire life to free China from the emperor / imperial structure and the colonialism. Meanwhile may be he was infamous for the Qing and for his first wife that he abandoned for a rich and young beauty or because he left people like the betrayer Wang of the filo-Japanese government in Nanjing to grow too much under his wings  , and was not able to transform his intellectual utopia in a working system, leaving the state in the hands of Yuan shikai.

    Chiang Kai-shek (or Jiang Jieshi) Infamous for  more than a billion people, a fascist, no moral or ethical scruples, a tough dictator in Taiwan, a profiteer or at least someone who left profiteers and gangsters ride free in the last Shanghai years of the nationalists, including his brother in law. Meanwhile,  afamous general and president of Guo min tang. Tough, hard but always fair (even in massacre) , in some way he gave indeed a serious contribution to China liberation and modernization .

    Alexander the great Great general, emperor,so famous... and infamous invader and destroyer of other civilizations. Well, at that time it was considered cool

    Cyrus the great Again a famous and illuminated emperor of Persia, who killed many including the king Massagetes because was not willing to give his daughter to him

    Mohammed For sure famous, the Prophet of Islam. You may criticize him for his Medina taking, but well: Famous

    Queen Victoria Famous queen, she built the Empire and infamous door opener of colonization ,the Company of Indies and an infamous  bigot

    mobutu sese seko

    kofi annan, famous  (just so so) UN secretary general, poor guy what he did so bad? or so great?

    Genghis khan famous for his people, one of the greatest Mongolian rulers, wise and intelligent... and another destroyer

    Johannes Gutenberg: poor guy, famous inventor of printing

    Fidel Castro: Infamous in your country but he made Cuba a place where the people have health care, and free education. He liberated Cuba from the mafia and US led Batista dictatorship. A dictator himself? may be, but not of the worst kind

    Karl Marx Famous philosopher and economist. The bureaucratic communism was not what he would have liked to see

    Emperor Hirohito A nice old man who contributed to the disaster of Asia and Japan Iitself

    Martin Luther Famous  for his rebellion to the corrupted catholic church, and a fanatic of the worst and women hater

    Hammurabi I dont know enough, apart hammurabi code

    Mao Tse-tung (or Mao Zedong): Famous, he took China out of the middle age, and changed the face of a quarter of the world. Also infamous for his self generated cult of personality that contributed to famine during the great leap forward and excesses during the cultural revolution

    SiddharthaGautama Well you are talking about Budda. Seems famous and ok. But what are the consequences of Buddism in social evolution of Asian societies?

    King Louis XIV, L'etat c'est moi, le roi soleil: famous, he invented (thanks to others in his court and around) the modern state. Also an infamous absolutist ruler and a womanizer

    Mansa Musa Famous emperor of Mali, benefactor of Islam, and infamous slave trader

    JuliusCaesar; Famous general and emperor... but he become emperor with a military coup and was killed (so may be he was infamous for the Brits, the Gauls, the Iberian, roman senate , Brutus and Crassus at least

    Emperor Mutsuhito Famous, great emperor of the Meiji era, modernization of Japan. Where will be Japan now without the Meiji era? also, Meiji era boosted Japan nationalism and the construction of the basis of  Japan expansionism to China ( under his empire there was the first Sino Japanese war and the establishment of the first Japanese colonial grip on China) and later the WW II

    If this was a school assignment your professor needs to be re-educated  

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