
Help in pain and dont know y!

by  |  earlier

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so 4 the past couple of days ive been having pain in my pelvic/hip area! it doesnt feel like cramps or a bad period (not on cycle) its like sumthings in there pushing my bones apart. as if my hips are getting wider. its not my stomach that hurts or anything like that its just my bones............ive also been having charlie horses and tingling in my legs now this pain! it hurts to walk and stand up! but when i sit 4 maybe 10 mins my legs start to get numb! please tell me anything!




  1. It could be trapped nerves, but i really would get to your doctor asap, especially with the tingling sensation and numbness. Good luck

  2. your might not be getting enough blood there. but just to make sure see a doctor they might referr you to get an xray, but im not sure, dont listen to these fools on here.

  3. Please go to a doctor.  It sounds like you have something muscular going on in your pelvic region.  You need to see a specialist called a rheumatologist for this.  Good luck!

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