
Help in school im failing !

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i always concentrate on my looks and everything else besides studying and i really need help on studying i'm always so lazy and keep watching t.v and the tutor doesnt help do you have anything to MAKE ME STUDY not help on subjects because of not studying i failed math and english so i really want to pass my classes for once any help?




  1. Study with someone on a set schedule.  For example, you could decide to study with a friend every Tuesday at 7:00.  If you involve someone else it will be harder to put off.  Also, give yourself rewards for doing well.  You could decide that if you get a C in the class you will go out for ice cream, if you get a B , go out to a nice dinner, if you get an A, go skydiving!

  2. You have to find the drive within yourself.  No one else can motivate you.  Perhaps if you stopped looking in the mirror and watching TV.  Maybe failing is the wake up call you need.

  3. You have the same problem as my sister. Friends, appearance and internet are more important than school. She has not seen the light yet (lol).

    Here's my advice. Look for incentives (what will you gain by doing well in school). Say to yourself, If  I study and do all my hw, what will I gain. The first thing you could gain is an A+ for a test. The A+ may lead to an A for the class. That may lead to being in the honor roll. Being in the honor roll will lead to getting into a good college with a scholarship. College will lead you to getting a good job and perhaps a guy of your dreams. Then that will lead to a great job. And after that a nice life. And then finally you live happily ever after. Lol.

    What I am trying to say is look for something to motivate you. Perhaps your parents can help by giving you money for every time you get an A on a test.That's what my parents did. If you are motivated and see what the outcome of doing well, then studying should not be much of a problem.

    Here's another advice. Study and do all your hw's in the morning or afternoon or as soon as you get home from school. This way once you finish you could watch as much tv as you want. All the good shows come on later in the evening anyway.

    Good Luck

    : )

  4. Try to do most of your homework at school. Ask for help immediately if you don't understand something. Get extra help after school. Try a different tutor if the one you have right now is of no assistance. Do your homework that you haven't finished at school right when you get home. Trust me, you will get into the habit of doing this, and feel as if you have to. Study every night, but if you don't have the time, every few days. That way, you won't need to cram the night before a test. Come to class prepared as this is the best way to learn. Think positively about yourself. Say "I will get an A" or "I am smart enough." Studies show that people who think in a positive manner are more intelligent. I hope these tips help and I wish you the best of luck!

    P.S. If you ever need help, ask someone on Yahoo! Answers. They will be more than glad to help further your education.

  5. Hi Girl,

    I can see where you are. I do love to spend my time on the internet or reading instead of doing my job as a mom and housewife. What I do is set myself little goals like  I will do housework for an hour then read for 30 min.

    How about you say after school - I will study now for an hour, then I get to do my nails,  hair or watch tv for a certain amount of time. Set a timer and start studying. When the hour is up, you will be so excited about doing your nails, hair or watching that tv show you like. Then go back to studying, and reward yourself again. Don't forget to reward yourself if you get a good mark at a test.

    You could also do a contest with another student that has the same problem. Make a chart and compare who improves the most and the looser has to do the winners hair, nail or give her a pedicure, choose something you really enjoy. I also find if I exercise in the morning I have such an energy boost, I get much more stuff done. By the way I do love the legally blond movie, where everyone things the blond beautiful ditz is stupid. Be beautiful and smart, you'll conquer the world. Put your mind to it, because you can do it.  

  6. Relate what you learn to movies or t.v.  

    If a teacher ever bores me in class, I just try to imagine someone I like from a movie saying it.  Just imagine if Jack Sparrow was teaching you World History, or if someone from your favorite t.v. show is now teaching you your worst subject.  I guarantee if you start thinking of how they would say the same phrases your teacher is saying, the topic will become at least a little more interesting, and you will remember more, so studying won't be too terribly difficult.  

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