
Help interpret dream?

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Hi, I had a pretty vivid dream last night. I was in sort of a desert, but there was dirt, instead of sand. Across from me, there was a huge black bull. It had a white point bone in its nose, and it kept kicking its feet in the dirt and huffing like it was going to charge at me, but it never did. I think I remember someone maybe holding it back, but I can't remember. But there was definitely someone by it. It was dark, so I couldn't see their face.




  1. hmm, to me it sounds like you feel someone is holding you back from doing what you want to do? and you feel like rather its bad or good you'd like to make the choice on your own...[hopes that makes sense]  

  2. It means that you are against bullfighting.

  3. some dreams are warnings about things in our life choices we have to make.

    the desert stands for hard times

    the black bull is up comming trouble

    the stranger is someone that is going to help you through your hard time.

    the face may be unclear because it may be the last peron your expect to help you.

    the bull didn't charge cause you haven't made the choice yet..

    what are you about to do that you have been going back and forth about. its something life changing and you know whats right but you keep thinking about whats easy.

    if you need more help email me
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