
Help interpreting a dream?

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all i really remember about my dream last night was that i had twisted a s***w up into my gums in between my teeth. my tooth fell out, and i tried unscrewing the s***w with my fingers and it broke off. Eventually i managed to unscrew the remainder out, but it had broken(??) my upper gums and the rest of my teeth on that side came out too. Any ideas as to what this meant??




  1. take care of your teeth.

  2. It means your scared of the dentist.

  3. gum = support

    tooth fell out = losing control

    In short, you may be feeling your support, help are leaving you, and that may case you feeling the lost of control in some aspects of your life.

    Projecting teeth or tooth falling out often means losing control unless you had a dental experience lately.

  4. prob. just a nightmare.

    but this was in the news:

    Losing your teeth.

    This theme has a number of potential meanings because of the very different significances teeth have to different people. Our teeth are representative of our appearance because our smiles are one of the first things people notice about us. Therefore, dreaming about losing your teeth can indicate insecurity about your appearance, or even fears of sexual impotence, as teeth are often used to flirt with a desired partner. We also use our teeth to bite, chew, and tear, so losing them can mean a loss of power or fear of getting old. Interestingly, this dream is most common among menopausal women, perhaps for all of the above reasons

  5. Usually whenever you dream about losing teeth, its about money. Are you having money troubles?

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