
Help is desperately needed!!!!!PLEASE!?

by  |  earlier

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Does anyone know of a recent invention that was 6 months ago or earlier.I need maybe a website or something,because I have to answer who,what,when,where,and why.

But just the name of the invention would be okay also,I'll just research the info.Thank You SOO much!





  1. Look up the US patons office website and look up the history I think you can find stuff there.  

  2. The only thing I can think of is the 3g Iphone. Wish i could help more.

  3. There is a big delay between invention time and time a product/invention appears on the market. I'm assuming you really do mean "invention time". If so, look at the New Scientist website as they cover all the sciences and a few interesting technological derivatives.

    So much is being invented in so many fields, could you give a clue as to what you want? Like, Which field of science? Even this leaves a huge array of options.

    If you are talking about devices appearing on the market, go to your local library, look at the old (6 months old) newspapers and look at advertisements for something that is highlighted as BRAND NEW. That should give you a lead on commercial products that have just appeared.

    Sorry - I can't help further, and the New Scientist and Newspaper options are what I would do in your situation. Without being a member to New Scientist you may not get into their archives, so a quick trip to the library might be your best option. At least, you can guarantee you will find an answer (of sorts).

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