
Help!! is my tongue ring infected or is my tongue infected?

by  |  earlier

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ok so for about 4 days my tounge has been really sore

i lifted it up and theres a couple small bumps on the bottom and the bottom ball of my tounge ring sorta looks infected ..

my tounges really sore and it burns real bad on the whole bottom of my tounge and sometimes around the tip of the top part and around the sides at the top..

iv had my tounge piercing for about a year now .. would it be my tounge ring infected? or my tounge? what should i do to make it heal?




  1. anything that is in ur mouth other than your teeth and tounge is garanteed to make an infection - unless it is fake teeth or braces - so the only way to get rid of the infection completely is to remove the ring itself.

  2. Questions to ask yourself : Is my piercing jewelry stainless steel?

    how long have you had it peirced? if it is a new piercing it can take up to 2 weeks to swell down. do you have good oral hygiene? if you are using Listerine STOP NOW Listerine can burn a hole in your tongue, and infect it. DO NOT GO TO A DOCTOR. If you decide to go to a doctor you might as well just save some money and take it out. Thats all they'll say to you is to get rid of it. Go and see your piercer she/he will be able to help you.

  3. well yes ur tongue is swollen. take it off for a month or so, until it heals. then get a professional's help to re-install it.

  4. go see your doctor. it doesn't sound good.

    try and think if you ate anything unusual or if something may have touched your tongue ring. If so this may be the origin of the pain/infection.

    if do choose to take out your tongue ring and when you try it feels like it won't/can't come out, don't force it!!!! if you do it may bleed and you'll have more of a problem on your hands. but the best thing to do would be to see your doctor.

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