Question: this normal for someone my age??

by Guest57862  |  earlier

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I am 20 and for the past year I have been wanting to get pregnant and have a baby so bad. It seems like I will never get through college, find the right guy(I want my children to have a great dad) and get married. I'm worried that I will be 35 before that happens and I want a lot of children. Is it normal for a 20 year old to really really want a baby? Most girls my age are out partying while I'm babysitting and reading Parents magazine. Lol. Someday I am going to be an awesome mom. I just hope that day comes quick.




  1. I wanted children really bad when I was younger. Even when I got married seven and a half years ago, I wanted it to be first priority and even had a bit of a spat with my husband on our wedding video about it. The next two years were more of the same and then I got really caught up in my career and four years went by and I still don't have one and now am obsessed. Basically, yes, it is normal, but you have to remember that things change in your life and you have to make sure that you always have balance. You may really want kids now, but you need to make sure that you have balance on other parts of your life because sometimes wanting a child fills a gap of other things that we really want,too. It is possible to have it all but you need to figure out the time frame for everything - not just a baby. I hope that makes sense.

  2. Hi Hun,

    Well it's pretty normal to feel this way, but you need to remember to enjoy yourself and give yourself lots of time and attention now!  Your 20 and you will be a awesome mom when it's time.  You will have your dream if you maintain happy healthy.  No regrets.  

    Good Luck.

    P.S. I have a wonderful baby girl, I'm 24  I met my Husband and got pregnant on my honeymoon.  It's a wonderful experience.

  3. This is so normal. Your just wanting to fulfill your purpose in life.  

  4. yes it's normal. I was you.

    Fortunatly i met mine and married at 20, had a baby at 21, now i am 22 with my hubby and an 8 month old.

    I too was yearning for my life to take off. only part was i dropped out of college, that was my mistake... lol...oops!

  5. Yep it's normal, I started getting that feeling at 19, I had already found the guy I wanted to father my kids. We ended up with an unplanned pregnancy and we have a 2 and a half year old daughter and I am 23 and pregnant with number 2 (and I am doing university as an external student)

  6. Of course hun! Hubby and I have been trying for a baby since we were 20! But we just recently conceived...I'm 23, he is 24...

    It will happen for you girl, it just has to be the right time in your life! Good luck with everything.

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