
Help israel project ::: why is jerusalem not a big tourist place?

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if you have any other interesting info. on israel and chhattisgarh than pls help me




  1. Jerusalem is actually a major tourist destination.

    In the first half of 2008 alone, there were 1.8 million overnight stays in the lovely eternal capital of Israel.

    The below sites should help you.

  2. you are correct israel is not a big tourist place, it is LARGE, bigger then life, it is an amazing place, one of my favourite places on earth.the following are just a few places that you can go and visit in jerusalem

    American Colony Hotel

    Ammunition Hill

    The Al-Aksa Mosque

    The Basilica of the Agony at the Garden of Gethsemane

    The Biblical zoo

    The Chapel of Dominus Flevit

    The Church of the Holy Sepulcher

    Muslims to Lose Sole Control of Holy Sepulcher Keys

    The City of David

    The Coenaculum on Mount Zion

    The Dome of the Rock

    Downtown {Virtual Israel Experience)

    Hadassah Hospital (Virtual Israel Experience)

    Har Homa

    Hezekiah’s Tunnel

    The Jerusalem Corridor

    The Jerusalem Forest {Virtual Israel Experience)

    Jerusalem Museums

    The Jewish Quarter

    The King David Hotel

    The Bombing of the King David Hotel

    King David's Tomb

    The Knesset {Virtual Israel Experience)

    Mea She'arim {Virtual Israel Experience)

    Mishkenot Sha'ananim

    Motza, Atarot, and Neveh Yaacov

    Mount Herzl {Virtual Israel Experience)

    The Mount of Olives {Virtual Israel Experience)

    Mount Moriah

    Mount Scopus {Virtual Israel Experience)

    The Old City {Virtual Israel Experience)

    The Jewish Quarter

    The Temple Mount

    The Ramparts

    The Way of the Cross

    The Western Wall

    The Old City Gates

    Rehavia & Makor Haim

    Solomon's Stables

    The Temple Mount - the Haram-esh-Sharif

    The Western Wall

    Yad Vashem

    Yemin Moshe {Virtual Israel Experience)

  3. uhh..ur actually kinda wrong cuz jerusalem has thousands of tourists touring there EACH DAY..not only jerusalem, but all of israel is filled with lots of tourists.

  4. Vegas is #1 because of the Japanese tourist.  No connection with the Holy Land.

    I can't tell you how many Christian Cruises I have turned down.  Now wish I had taken.

  5. Jerusalem is a very big tourist place. Half the people here are speaking a foreign language...

    My husband and I ate out in a restaurant last night. (We're Americans living in Israel.) EVERY other group was speaking English.

    Tourist groups visit the Western Wall every day...

  6. Jerusalem is at the top of the list as far as tourist visits.

    Tourism > Israelis and Foreign Tourists  

    The trend of growth in the proportions of tourists in the city is continuing, and 2007 set new records for Jerusalem's tourism.  The number of tourists and the number of overnight stays in hotels were the highest the city has ever known.

    75% of the adult Jewish population of Israel

    has visited either the Old City, the Western Wall, or both in the last two years

  7. Because a lot of it is illegally occupied by the Tel Aviv regime.

  8. Jerusalem is probably Israel's main tourist destination. Not only is it the religious center of the three monotheistic faiths, it is a very beautiful city to boot.

    Walking the streets of Jerusalem, you will more likely hear  more foreign languages than Hebrew, and the main tourist areas are dominated by tourists.

  9. it is a big tourist place

  10. it is a HUGE tourist place.

    There are some people who just hear about the violence over there and don't realize it doesn't happen In Jerusalem and just avoid the whole country but that is very few.  It is very busy with tourists.

  11. On the contrary; Jerusalem is a HUGE tourist attraction, due to the fact that it is considered holy by the world's three main religions!

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