
Help it normal for a 8yr old girl to m********e ?

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i dont know what to do i walk in on my 8yr old playing with herself and went mad i know i did the wrong thing by the way i went on at but never heard of anyone that young masturbating before what can i do please help




  1. Don't worry too much about it. I used to m********e occasionally when I was very young. I didn't really know what I was doing. I just knew that it felt good, haha.

  2. She may not have actually been "masturbating", she may have just been trying to figure out what the heck that thing is down there. Just sit down with her and tell her that it is a natural thing to be curious about and tell her that if she has any questions that she can always come to you. At that age, you do not want a child, especially a girl to be afraid to come to a parent with questions. You most definitely don't want her to be getting her answers from friends at school.

    Remember, you're supposed to be the mature one. Whatever you do, make sure you keep the lines of communication open.  

  3. It's very normal for a child to touch themselves, my 4 year old does once in a blue moon, and my 7 year old does, and i caught him he was (hard) how embarrasing to catch him doing that.  Well, I just told him to get dressed and i would talk to him  in a little bit.  Well, I went in and told him Honey your to young to be touching yourself, you need to find something to do like read a book or something. I would try to redirect his attention to something else

    Now, imagine your kid bringing home a penthouse magazine from another 2nd grade child!!! that's what mine did and that other kid got into trouble I do not allow that stuff in my house and i was MAD that he even brought it home from that person UGH, he did get grounded  

  4. It was definitely wrong of you to get mad. You don't want to install in her young mind that what she did was shameful or abnormal somehow. It's not. Most kids go through moments of self-discovery, and it sounds like that's all she was doing. You just happened to walk into her room during a very personal moment.

    There will be times when she notices that her body is changing and that certain things feel pleasurable but she will not completely understand the reasons why. That's just a part of life. It's up to you to explain what's happening to her at an age-appropriate level. Try and do it in a caring way. You don't need to go into too much detail. :-)

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