
Help!!! it really important too me!!!?

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okay i am a 13 year old girl, and all my friends r really religious!!! 3 of my friends dads even r church pastures!!! okay well my parents don't take me to church=( but i try 2 read my bible every nite and i try 2 pray evey nite too!!! but im sad 2 say that ive never been saved b4 and i want i be!! but ive asked my parents but they kinda just pass on the subject=( BUT i got to this thing on fridays @ a church were we all hang out with our friends!! than theres a part were they talk about god and everything... than they do this thing were ppl can go up and get saved!! but im sad 2 sad i have alot of friends but i really only trust one of my friends and she relly dosent go on fridays just 2 normal church!!! soooooo wht should i do because i dont feel safe not being saved???




  1. At 13 you are growing and changing almost day by day.  It's a hard age to be because you are changing so quickly, you are learning things, you are thinking new thoughts and you don't even know how you feel about some things.  Its something we all go through. Anyone who's been that age knows about it.  You will be a completely different person by the time you are 17 or 18 because you are changing.

    My own personal feeling is that you want to just learn about God and religion now.  You can do that by listening to people, doing some reading, and THINKING about this stuff for yourself.  Believing in God is more than just believing what people tell you you're supposed to believe. It's more than just church and ceremonies and answering altar calls.  That's all just window dressing.  What it's really about is your own personal relationship with God.  Christians talk about your personal relationship with God (or with Jesus), but they don't realize that this means your relationship is PERSONAL!  It's between You and God (or Jesus).

    You know  God made you the way you are and he loves you and he forgives you for being young, with all that being young means.  I think you realize that.  You have to learn how YOU feel about it, and you can't do that without learning a little more about the faith, about the Bible, and even alternative views.  

    Kids who grow up in a strong religion, I respect their beliefs of course, but they never consider the alternatives, and I think that's a little sad.

    You have years and years to learn.  It will be interesting and fulfilling and you will learn to know -yourself- better.  So please try just to relax and look forward with a sense of adventure.  You're not going to go to h**l for being curious, or for admitting you don't know, or for being intellectually honest with yourself, even if it bothers your friends.  God WANTS you to figure this stuff out for yourself! He would rather you did that than to blindly accept what people tell you, to believe stuff you might not even understand. At least, that's what he told -me-.

    BTW do you know about the woman in the Bible who you are named after?  Fascinating story.

  2. do you really feel unsafe?

    or are you doing all this just to fit in?

  3. you sound like your being brainwashed, i mean you want to "saved??" your 13 what could you have done to be needing saving?? fing some new more normal friends

  4. You are on the right path.  Reading the Bible has the answer to how to be saved.  The Old Testament tells about before Jesus died on the cross.  Then, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John tell about when Jesus was born, his death and about when he rose from the dead.  Acts tells about how the first Christian church started.  Read Acts.  

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