
Help! iv gained 15 pounds over the summer and cant get rid of it!?

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i am a 17 year old female and over the summer i have gained 15 pounds. i do cardio and extensive ab workouts but still cant seem to shed the pounds. whats wrong with me?




  1. okay

    i know exactlly what to tell you.


    i delt with this myself.First of all stick with the exercicing but more important is that your eating right.That combined with the vigorous exersize will not only help you loose weight but get you healthy too.Another thing i found out myself is you cannot target weightlos just muscle building now if your flab is in your stomach doing ab workouts actually will bulk up your abs pushing the fat out the cardio is what is going to loose the weight for you.So i would suggest get the DVD of the biggest looser workout it targets fat burning and has a bootcamp on it too that if done oftne will get the pounds off fast and tone you up.Youll come out with a healthier great looking body.Make sure your eating lots of food that is good for you if dont eat enough your body thinks your starving it and actually holds onto the fat and stores it which is what you dont want.I hope i helped :]

  2. speical k i am telling you if you stick to it and don't cheat it works so weel i even did cheat and have reg snack like muffin or bagel or fruit or ice cream and still lost a ton of wieght fastest

  3. What works for me is T-Lite diet pills ... you must follow their diet and exercise, but you'll lose up to 10 lbs in 3 days.

    Last summer when I was taking them, I went from being 240 lbs to 205 lbs in 3 months. I didn't follow the recommended diet, or else I would have lost the weight faster. I'm 5'9" myself.

    I stopped taking the pills when I went back to school, and I ballooned back up to 245 lbs - the most I've ever been.

    But I'm taking the pills again, and exercising, and the weight isn't coming off as easy as last summer, but I'm down to 230 lbs.

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