
Help ?? iv tried to pull a bullet out of its caseing but it wont come out ?

by  |  earlier

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iv tried to pull this bullet out of the caseing and it dosnt come out

iv been pullng on it as hard as i can but it still wont come out idk what to do

i dont hav a bullet puller and im not gonna go buy one

i dont hav any local gun ranges

i just want the caseing

iv pulled on it so hard that theres big scratch marks in the copper jacket

its a hollow tip 9mm pistol round




  1. be careful before your mother sweeps up your brains off the floor,don't play with bullets unless you know how to reload and disarm them.

  2. The bullet puller is called a gun just ask a neighbor or someone that has that type of gun it will safe you a whole heep of trouble. JUST MAKE SURE THEY'RE POINTING THE GUN IN A safe DIRECTION

  3. If you just want the casing, shoot it out of a gun.

    Good luck trying to pull it out...............

  4. O.K. weird answer from the guy above my comment. What I do is take two pliers, put one on the casing and one on the bullet, twist and pull. If you have any strength it should pull right out. And there is nothing dangerous with doing this as long as you stay away from the primer.  

  5. Why not simply put this bullet in the trash - and go find one that has already been fired?  9mm are easy to find.......... right now I know 12 places I could drive to in less than 5 minutes and grab a handful of spent cases.

    Hope this helps

  6. ya know this is the umpteenth time you asked this question . . . and some of us already gave you the best advice that there is to offer. Still you insist on neglecting the advice given, in favor of some new hare brained advice that comes along. I hate to say it bud, but for a guy that lives in a state that is like the hunting mecca of the entire country your not very resourceful. I understand your just a teenager, so your not exactly worldly; I suspect your up to no good; or else you could have made this happen long ago with the help of an adult. It's my advice to anyone viewing this question, that they refrain from giving this guy any bright ideas, he's gonna end up injuring himself, or worse yet hurting other innocent people around him. How are your girlfriend's parent's going to feel about you when you accidentally put a bullet in her?

  7. You are not supposed to pull them out, what r u nuts?  

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