
Help! ive been getting these tests done.

by  |  earlier

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so lately, probably been a year or so, ive been having these little "spells" per say. They happen at anytime, usually when I'm standing, or walking. something of that nature. I get light headed, dizzy, my vision starts to fade, and sometimes pass out. They can last up to a couple of seconds, or many minutes, and they leave me feeling like c**p, or end with a headache. i also tend have a lot of headaches, and I'm pretty lethargic. ive went to the doctor and had blood tests done. and it shows I'm not anemic, nor limes disease, also my blood pressure seems to be fine, and stuff along those lines. The doctor also did tests for other "infectious diseases" and they all came back fine, except for one he couldn't read. so here's my question, anyone have anything similar happen to them like this, and what route should i take..neurologist? [[spelling?]] or what. idk if its my head, heart, lungs. and its pretty scary. and happens often. please help.




  1. It can be a migraine like disease associated with aura.

    More investigations have to be done by a neurologist to check whether it is any other kind of condition associated with the optic pathway.

    Please consult a neurologist.

    I am a medical doctor.

  2. Have you had your heart checked?  

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