
Help! job training dilemma

by  |  earlier

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I got a job today and was not told anything about training... said he would call tomorrow and let me know, a friend of mine also got the job but on Tuesday, the place where we both got hired called her today and told her that training would start Monday at 12:00pm. My only problem is i have mandatory cheer practice from 9-12. In the cheer practice schedule it specifically says that there is " no excuse for missing any practice, these dates have been on your calendar since May"

i really want this job but cheerleading is also important. would it be totally rude to ask if there is a later training time? i don't think my cheer coach would let me get out of practice early... the job is about 20 min away from my school.




  1. do this:

    tell a friend to call you on your cellphone at 11:10 and tell you that somebody from your family has met with an accident/has had a heart attack.. then tell your cheerleading coach that you HAVE TO LEAVE DUE TO AN EMERGENCY.. if you can't do that.. if you dont have a cellphone, tell your coach in the beginning that your dad/mum is in the hospital and you have to be there at the hosp before they wake you'll leave in an hour or so..for the hosp and JUST works trust me:D

    then goto the training!

  2. You have to decide which is more important and be prepared for the consequences if you can't make arrangements with the less important one to accomodte the other schedule.

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