
Help learning guitar.?

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Okay, so I have been playing guitar for 6 months now and i really want to hit a whole new level. I can play anything I have attempted but.. I wanna start writing music. My brother is helping me learn how to make music but he plays saxophone not guitar. I know the best thing to do is learn my scales but I don't know "what order to learn them in?", "is there is a specific order?", and stuff like that. I have had an acoustic until the other day I got my electric and I've been toying around with it. and I am very.. very cheap (I'm 15 and have no money after i bought my electric lol) so I don't have any money to spend for a teacher or anything, but please someone help me learn how to advance my level on the guitar. THANKS!!!




  1. You could look up writing music on guitar (or something similar) on youtube.

  2. If you've only been playing for 6 months and you can play anything you've attempted then clearly you haven't been attempting anything particularly difficult.

    There is no specific order in which to learn scales, although you may find certain keys more commonly used than others: G, F, C, D, A, E, Bb -- and the relative minors: Em, Dm, Am, Bm, F#m, C#m and Gm.  Then there are modes, which are beyond the scope of this post to describe to you.

    The thing is that there are various closed position (meaning, they don't use open strings) fingering patterns for scales and modes, and that when you learn those patterns, you can start on any note and use the appropriate fingering pattern to play any scale in any key.  

    Do a Google search on line for guitar scales and see what you come up with.  

    You also need to know your chords -- both open position and closed position chord fingerings -- and you need to know which chords go with which scales and which keys.  Get yourself a good book on basic music theory.

    Good luck.
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