
Help major depreshion!!!!

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what should i do next in life?? im so stuck ok i have a girl friend who i think but not sure is over me but im not with her........... and i need to find out if she is i havent left the house in weeks becuz i cant stop thinking about her and hate to look at the sky wich i dont know why ......but it remindsm e of come? plus i dont want to go anywhare becuz i dres who i am not thinks to perents cuz my dad said he would buy me some clothing i want but it have to be until he gets money but school starts in a week and i really dont wanna go out wharing american eagle and south pole umm thats it its realy anoying and deperesing :( help what should i do




  1. You could try using some punctuation...

    Seriously, though, how old are you?  Since you're in school, I'll assume you're between the ages of 13 and 18, fair enough?  Why are you stressing out so much about a relationship at this stage of your life?  No offense, but it's almost a proven fact that any relationship you start in high school won't make it past college anyway.  And if you've got to wonder whether or not she's over you, is she really worth all the hassle?  You're better than that.

    As far as wondering what to wear, why do you have to restrict yourself to name brand clothes?  Try just shopping at Target, they've got great clothes at reasonable prices.

    Trust me, after the school year starts, you'll get to feeling better.  Give yourself some time to get over her.  If you are technically still dating, break up with her.  It's the first step in offering yourself some closure.  Buy some new clothes that make you look and feel great, and get involved in school.  Try extracurricular activities like Drama or art classes, where you can express yourself.  Sounds girly and effeminate, but trust me, it really helps to deal with weird, high school emotions

  2. "depression"

    I'm guessing your a young teen (punctuation don't lie). Don't worry you'll get over her, you're young and have plenty of time to find someone new and special. Try spending time with good friends for now.

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