
Help making Money Fast on Runescape??

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Can anyone tell me a good way too make like 1mil gp on runescape quikcly im a member so anything really , i dont like woodcutting ever so anyone know any good fast ways????




  1. When I played, I fished a LOT. Sharks are big bucks. (You have to have high cooking and patience to make that much off fish. Selling them cooked makes more than raw.)

    Try picking flax, or selling cowhides. It's all just mindless labor. Have fun.

  2. Runecrafting

    You need to complete the mini quest to get the pouches then your away

    You need determination to do it but you will make very good money very fast making laws or nat runes

    And thebest thing is the more you runecraft the more you make, and the better you become at that skill than others!

    My friend would make millions a day making 2x nats and was very comfortable financially in the game =)

    dont play rs anymore tho, its lost its touch (wildy)

  3. I personnaly cut mages and they have a large steady price which has increased with the introduction of the GE from 1k to 1.2k (I have 87 wc and rune axe and I earn about 90k an hour).

    P.S. wc is boring but just watch tv while u do it because it requires little attention, only random events.

    I do also kill green dragons which is good as it trains combat and you get a lot of cash about 150k an hour (but watch for revs maybe take wolf pouch n wolf whistle scroll as it scares them away).

    I have heard ankous on the last level of security stronghold is good way of making money. You pick up the runes such as deaths and bloods earning you about 100k an hour, but at lvl 70 they hit a lot so food is necessary or guths which i found very useful.

  4. If you spin flax you can get money or if you are a magic pure you can make bows and sell them for 4 gp each or something and you can make them really fast.

  5. ur sad. do i really even have to say "get a life". i cant wait till 2 years from now and realize what aloser you were/ are

  6. mine coal until u have 1k of em, them sell them on the grand exchange

  7. Ok. Well first of all there are tons of ways to make cash in runescape.

    I would suggest you do Woodcutting. Woodcutting is very good and can get you tons of money. Especially if you are over 60 woodcutting. You would be able to cut yews and sell them for a good price. Then after you have alot of money it is reccomended you buy lots of flax, turn it into bow strings, and then sell them for a higher price. This is what most members do to gain Millions.

    Fishing can also be very good. Especially if you have 50+. Try fishing lobsters, swordfish, and if you can, maybe sharks. They sell for about 1k each which is very good profit.

    Mining is very good too, but only at high levels. If you are a low level i suggest mining iron, coal, or gold.  They sell very fast, and in large quantaties can get you tons of money.

    I wish you luck, and I hope you achieve your goal. :)

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