
Help making this decision?

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Okay I have a 8 month old Boxer that my mom and sister ADORED, and he was hard headed sometimes (Stubburn) but then we taught him not to be, and he wasn't a trouble maker. He was very calm and great with children.

So today I come from school and see my little sister crying, because my dad was probably in a bad mood (Usually makes stupid decisions when he's not in the mood) and he decided to give away our Boxer to our "trustful" cousin which by the way isn't a person we can trust because he's always in jail, he ties up the dogs, and treats them like c**p.

Now my dad regrets the horrible decision he just had to make. And is thinking of getting the dog back. He asked me if he should being the dog back, I said yes (Obviously) but I'm doing it so my little sister can stop crying and my mom can stop eating chocolates. Anyways what decision should my dad take?





  1. Your dad should make the decision to go to anger management classes, so he can learn that when he is angry is obviously not the time to make rash decisions.

    Tell him to get the dog back. He's the one who gave it away, and he's the one who caused his wife and daughter such emotional pain. He needs to fix the problem that HE created. Plain and simple.

  2. 4 words. GET. THE. DOG. BACK. Your dad also needs to think about it before he does it. that was a ridiculous thing to do giving a puppy to a criminal!

  3. wow tough dad lolz~

    well if you really want ur doggy back (Sounds like u do)

    then yes i think u should quickly get him back before he gets damaged from your cousin!!

    good luck :D

  4. Get the dog back. Not only is it stressing out your parents and sister, but it's stressing the dog out. It has no idea what the h**l is going on.

    That's the stupidest decision anyone can make, regardless of their mood. Dogs are like family members, would your dad give your little sister to your 'trustful' cousin? Nope (I hope)

    Get. The. Dog. Back. :)

  5. Get your dog back! Your little sister and mom are obviously sooooooo sad! I can't believe he gave away your dog just like that. Without asking you. Anyway, get your boxer back.

  6. get the dog back.

    and make sure he doesnt do it again.

    dogs want a nice place to STAY.

  7. Talk to your Dad and GO GET THAT DOG!

    And bring the puppy home too! :)


  9. call up and get dog back

  10. Tell the cousin the girls want him back.

  11. He should get your dog back and learn to control his emotions better. Making irrational decisions never gets you anywhere, and all he's done is cause pain in the family.

  12. Easy - your cousin is family so all your dad has to say is this " hey no-name ( obviously he'll say his real name ha ha ), i've f****d up with the dog, i was too hot-headed when i said you could take him and now have my wife and daughter crying their eyes out, no-ones talking to me, there was no dinner on the table and my life has turned from great to s**t since you took him. I'm gonna have to take him back mate but take this twenty dollars and get your self a drink or whatever. All the while your dad's talking he should be untying the dog and putting him on his own lead ready to go. It shouldn't cause a big argument - your dad dropped a bo****k, has said sorry to your cousin and recompensed him for his trouble! you can't get fairer than that mate! If your dad hasn't got the guts to do you'll have to or risk having your mum and sister hating you both forever! I'm telling you straight mate - these things live with females and those two will never, ever forget or forgive if the dog don't come back! Off you go - the sooner its done the sooner its mended!!! Good luck.  

  13. Go get it back!  

  14. It's a terrible decision to give up a dog to an obviously bad new owner.  You cousin seems like a terrible dog owner.  That dog would have a horrible life.  Bring the dog back ASAP.

  15. all cute animals need a Sweet Family :D


  16. explain to Dad what you just did to us and go get your dog.

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