
Help me, I am a nervous wreck!

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so i have a massive lack of confidence, i have never experienced it like this before. I have panic attacks all the time, one time i had one over what to get my best friend for her party! then i got soo massivly uptight and nervous over what to wear and got to the point i was about exploding and my mum said i wasnt in any fit state to go! My best friend! :( I felt terrible. Even at school, i never put my hand up! When the teachers ask me i feel this huge pulse through me and i go all tingly and very quickly wisper the answer. Im a nervous wreck over silly things, the other day i had a panic attack because i was meeting my friend and i was scared she wouldnt turn up, but i knew she would!?

Please help me build my confidence and get over these attacks! I have my GCSE's this year and i dont want my lack of confidence to get in the way of asking when im stuck or i dont want to have an attack during an exam!?

Please only genuine answers, dont mock, it took a lot for me to ask this





  1. Go attend camps! Build up camps..

    it helps.

    OR get a stress ball. be confident.. its easy for me to say but actually its really easy.

    Dont be afraid to be wrong and speak up.

    Its alright to be that way.

    Lol it took a lot time for u to ask?

    wow.. u should be asking more questions u knw.. it helps u to learn more.

    Come on stand out from the crowd..

    You can overcome this if u just BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!

  2. You seem to suffering from social phobia.

    Social phobias are characterized by the fear of being the center of attention and/or behaving in an embarrassing or humiliating manner.

    It is suffice to say that sufferers in this category rarely, if ever, behave in this manner but they "avoid" just in case.

    The most common social phobia is a fear of public speaking. This can affect performers, speakers, people whose jobs require them to make presentations, and students who have to speak before their class.

    Examples of other social phobias include:

    -Fear of blushing in public

    -Fear of being watched at work

    -Fear of using public toilets

    -Fear of crowds get the general idea. Its basically the FEAR of embarrassing yourself in the eyes of others. In your case:

    - Fear of embarrassing yourself if you wore the wrong dress to party

    - Fear of embarrassing yourself if you gave the wrong answer during class

    - Fear that your friend will make you embarrass by not turning up

    - Fear that someone will mock you for posting this question on Yahoo answers

    Social anxieties are common, you would only be given a formal diagnosis of social phobia only if your avoidance interferes with work, social activities, or important relationships, and/or it causes you considerable distress.

    At the moment, i have to say your barely able to cope BUT it will continue to chip away at your confidence if your not able to get out of your comfort zone.

    The KEY to overcoming social phobia is the willingness go beyond your comfort zone. It takes courage and commitment to go forward rather than back away when your feeling shy. If your able to that, then your well on your way to recovery!

    As shyness and fear melts, confidence and positive feelings will surface and you will naturally feel better and confident around people.

    If need be, you can also seek the help of a therapist BUT ensure that your able to trust your therapist and work as a team to make a plan to treat your phobia.

    If you do not feel comfortable, then you should seek help in another medical professional.

    Last but not least, your panic attacks is more probably directly linked to you social phobia. Once your overcome that phobia, your panic attack will most probably fade away as its something you should look forward to!

    Stay positive!

  3. Sorry to hear of your plight, can i say firstly avoid any medication for depression.Now the tingly feeling and the heart pumping is what happens to everybody when they are frightened because your brain releases Adrenalin(You may have heard the term Adrenalin junkie,some people live for that rush it's a hugely addictive natural high when you control it and it doesn't control you) into your system when you realise the signs you can start to control this.I would suggest setting your self little targets to reach each day e.g. saying hello with a smile to the girl/guy behind the till in the local shop and when you do it take a second to congratulate your self and move on to the next little challenge/target things will improve fast and i wish you luck with your exams

  4. First off, I'm so sorry to read that you are going through this. I would suggest talking to your doctor. Maybe he could refer you to a counsler of some sort.  I would start there.  Good luck!!

  5. I think your lack of confidence and your panic attacks are two seperate things - you need to figure out what triggers these attacks and then address it and the only way to do this is to seek professional help as they deal with this kind of thing all the time and they know the best ways to resolve it. Once you have control of your panic attacks you can start building on your confidence without the worry of having another attack. To be confident you must first like yourself, believe in yourself - you are you - unique and wonderful, be proud to be you and your confidence should begin to shine through. Good luck with your exams - you have your whole life ahead of you - enjoy it and make the best of it and most importantly - enjoy being you x

  6. Well done for asking for help, possibly your best route is a Counsellor or Therapist. You are obviously over stressed at the moment and your anxiety levels are high making you sensitive to these panic feelings - look at this site they can give you advise on relaxation and maybe even how to combat panic attacks.

    Believe in yourself.

    Take Care  

  7. Relaxation ,being calm, Being aware of the thoughts in our minds,.

    Lfe is stressful , and we forget how to relax,Without calm, our minds allow thoughts to race, silly things become important.We lose control and become driven by our emotions.

    So take a gentle step back, learn how to be calm, relaxed.

    Meditation , has really turned me round and is  a benifit at times of stress.

    Meditation is simple , sit quietly and Breathe.

    when we breathe in our bodies tense.

    when we breathe out our bodies Relax.

    spend longer breathing  out and you will relax.

    meditation , sit with your back off the back of the chair,shoulders down your body should have a sense  of alertness.

    Breathe through the nose feel the breathe all the way in,for the entire lenght of the breathe,feel the stomach raise.

    breathe out all the way feel the stomach drop.

    Connect with your breathing the entire breathe in /out.

    THOUGHTS, sitting there thinking only of the breathing your mind will start to wander thats fine  ok, its what minds do.But as you become aware that your mind has wandered gently bring it back to the breathe.

    Remember to be gentle dont force, Be non striving, Be accepting.

    I practice quite a lot at least twice a day ,its like charging a battery .

    good luck for the future Tina.


    go to this website and contact them about anti depressant pills, i know they sell them but they dont list them on the website, im not sure of the cost but you can always ask them.  

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