
Help me, I need one simple answer, and I'll never doubt the official 911 explanation again?

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Why has there never been any video/film of the plane hitting the Pentagon released for the public to see?

Only one poor quality clip of 4 frames, which doesn't show anything definite.

There must have been many cameras that would have caught it




  1. You make a fine point.  Too bad it's lost in the sea of ignorance here on YA.  

    I agree with violator I would think that the Pentagon would have high quality videos..

    This is just one example of the many that something is Fishy about the governments account of 9/11.

  2. If the plane was travelling at 300 mph, that is 30 miles in 6 minutes, 5 miles a minute, 1 mile every 12 seconds, 176 yards a second or so.  It is 50 yards long.  

    I'd assume they'd have first, rather than second rate video systems at the Pentagon, wouldn't you?  That would make 25 or 30 fps - easily enough to record an aircraft travelling 7-8 feet per frame... agreed?

    I agree with you - if it happened that way (and the 757 really did vaporize) then it would have all been recorded on camera... and used for propaganda, not hidden!

    It didn't, nor was there a normal forensic examination or impartial enquiry, because it simply didn't happen that way.

  3. The poor quality comes from security cameras, the plane was traveling at a high rate of speed. Are you looking for movie quality video? Wouldn't that seem more suspicious if someone was filming high quality footage at the time?

    1) A plane was missing, that included passengers which never showed up anywhere else.

    2) Evidence on the ground (light poles knocked over, etc) indicate something larger than a missile (for the conspiracy nuts)

    3) People saw it

    4) There was some wreckage obviously from a plane (see picture in link below)

    You have visual evidence that two planes struck the towers, same day close to the same time. We know that 4 planes were high jacked. Two hit NY, 93 went down in PA........why does the Pentagon one only seem odd? Because people expect some cartoon like cut out of a plane in the side of the building.

  4. H#LL if that's the only question you have about the official explanation then you might just throw on a wooley white coat and join the rest of the sheeple. The whole official explanation doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

    They won't release the film because it will show it was a different, smaller aircraft of some type and maybe with a missle attached. There were witnesses who saw an aircraft and there is evidence of a aircraft but no evidence proving Flight 77.

    Oh and Popular Mechanics. LOL LOL LOL LOL. That they keep publishing their BULLXXIT when they have been proven wrong many times over is beyond belief. Can you say ........ "PROPAGANDA"?  There must be some big time financial incentives there!

    To anyone who asks why a camera would be facing the window. The Pentagon is among the most secure buildings in the world. DUH!!!!!

  5. You see what happens when you just pull ONE loose thread.

    Believe me they have cameras all over the Pentagon 24/7. If I tried to pee on the wall they would have 45 different views. A big a** plane, no video. Hmmm Did it vaporize on the video too? The lawn in front of the hole wasn't even disturbed. I smell bullsh*t.

  6. If you dare to know the truth look up (zeitgeist) on youtube. It explains it all.

  7. There were 100's of videos confiscated by the FBI...that were located in private businesses around the Pentagon that BY  itself had more CCTV than probably any building in the world.

    This is just a fact. If the Pentagon disagrees with this then they need to give us our tax $$$ back that they said they were going/did spend on these programs.

    edit: Chertoff's nephew wrote the so-called report about he an Israeli, too?

    If nothing else, why aren't these goof balls being FIRED? If they aren't goof-balls-----Why aren't they being PROSECUTED?

    Your Q is a real one. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to answer. Why won't they release th 100's of tapes and SATELLITE photos that they have available?

    Only the Mafia behaves this way.

  8. because of the speed of the aircraft and the speed of the film in security cameras. You know when you see a video of a burglery it is not one straight video? That is because of the type of recording they do. That is the camera that camtured the plane in the pentagon. Hope that helped

    Video Pro

  9. Ya Lout has it.. Speed of aircraft vs tape speed.. Security tapes run very slow. Just take a look at the wreckage..

      I mean... there is no conspiracy that planted that plane wreckage and those dead passengers inside the Pentagon and had that explosion go off just right..

  10. There was a gas station with a security camera facing that direction but right after it happened people showed up to take the tapes away. I saw the guy who owned the place get interviewed, he didn't have time to watch them.

  11. In the 1980's I worked in the USA TODAY tower in Arlington, Virginia. My corner office had a view of the Iwo Jima statue - and the Pentagon. I often wondered, "what if the Pentagon was attacked?" I assumed the most important military facility in the free world would be heavily protected. When I saw the events of 09-11-01, I was shocked that missiles didn't come out from the building, or huge steel walls weren't raised like a protective drawbridge.

    I question the veracity of the 9-11 Commission's report. It was 'rushed' through too quickly without a thorough investigation. And why was much of the debris from 9-11 used to build a new U.S. battleship instead of being stockpiled for future investigation and examination? I believe it's one more lie our government has perpetrated.

    -RKO-  07/18/08

  12. Why the h**l would there be a camera facing the building? Security cameras would only cover the entrances.

  13. I worked across the street from the Pentagon's west side, nearest the impact site. Pieces of the plane were visible on the outside and we watched when the debris was hauled away. Some of my co-workers were still on the road that morning and saw the impact. A day I will never forget!

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