
Help me, i'm old and not hip and dont get this?

by  |  earlier

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ok, when i was in school, there was punk or goth - totally different.

now there's emo too, and "scene" and they all look like a combo of punk/goth.

how do they differ? is there still punk and goth as well?




  1. punk is dead.

    scene kids are just posers who wear too much eyelinder and walk like ducks goths are just weird marlyn mansonites.

    they dont differ they're all losers.

  2. i know what u mean i was outa school too for these terms comming up, u wont believe the words ud hear too from school kids, u wont understand some of what they say nowa days and its only been a about 4 years...i was in my first yr of college when "emo" came to the spotlight...then scene was later added a couple years think scene is the style but not the emotional disfuntion attached and emo is the emotional disfunctio and the clothing just so happened to be named that as well on the person with the pesimistic problems...i know that emo is a style of music andpeople just associated that word with the style and behavior they were using as well...i think that the style is the same just emo has a meloncholy feel about it, just like the difference in goth and punk, except a less wide of gap...i think the spectrum would be like...punk, scene, emo, least in think in asia scene covers all of the above but scene is just a more outrageous and bold of all styles made inculding prep and what have u.

  3. Emo used to be a style of music, but now it just refers to kids who wear tight band tees, skinny jeans, eyeliner, and pretend they are depressed.

    Scene is like the preppy version of emo: there is still a punk influence, but the clothing is brighter and they don't act depressed. Most people who label themsleves scene are considered poseurs.

    Punk and goth still exist, but it's very rare. You'll find more kids who just listen to punk or goth music but aren't punk/goth themselves.

    I wouldn't worry too much about it. The whole scene/emo thing is starting to die out anyway.

  4. emo is a less grungy version of goth- add a few wristbands and not-totally-hardcore band tshirts and you've got it.

    scene is a blend of everything- punk, goth, and emo. except think bright colors, tighter EVERYTHING, shorter everything, and bigger hair.

    it's kind of hard to explain; a google image search will answer all your questions.


  5. as a rule, emo is wearing skinny jeans, band tees, and converse. its just a fashion style, don't listen to anyone who says emos are all depressed. its also a style of music.

    scene, generalized, is a "happy" emo. brighter colors, neons, graphic tees, BIG hair, outrageous makeup.

    there is still punk and goth but its so much rarer now.

  6. punk is angry

    goth is satanic

    emo is depressed

    i'm lost on scene  

  7. honestly, to me, they're all the same.

  8. emo: emos usually wear eyeliners, tight jeans, black tight sweaters, and their hair is always covering half their face..the basic color scheme is black

    punk: punk..well imagine Avril Lavigne...girls wearing ties, wrist bands, boots..punk is just more rough you know? the colors are kinda bolder than emo  

    goth: goth...imagine someone wearing total black, scary eye liner, totally powdered up face, dark dark red lip stick..and its basically the same with guys..and they always look like they're gunna try and curse someone

    scene: well scene kids are usually ppl who go to shows and concerts, when it comes to girls you can say that scene girls are the modern groupies of alternative/rock bands...usually, like someone said before, they're colors are bolder, their hairstyle is kinda emoish but bigger and they're always 'caring' about how they look..tight clothes as well  

  9. punk is sorta rebel, rockish

    goth is satan worshipping

    emo is emotional, depressed, feeling unaccepted, etc.

    scene is emoish style, without the emotional issues

    yes, these are all stereotypes and if any emos/goths read this they'd be pissed.

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