
Help me, please, I dont know how to tell my partner that I want a baby?

by  |  earlier

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He wants to get a vasectomy, which I was fine with at first, as he already has two kids from his previous marriage and he doesn't want any more. He is 45 and I am 25 and I really, really want a baby. When we spoke about it I was fine with it until he went to the doctor today, and it's becoming a reality now. A friend of mine has just had a baby and I went to see her a few days ago. She was telling me all about what it's like being a mum and I got so broody around her little one.

I know that my partner is the right person for me, I love him so much, but I really, really want to have a baby. I just don't know how to tell him.

Thank you in advance.




  1. You have got to be up front and honest about this.  If it means that much to you just tell him.  Don't wait and regret it

  2. you are just going to have to be frank with him and tell him that you want a baby. If you don't tell him how you feel she will never know.

  3. I'm sorry to sound harsh hun but if you cannot talk to him about something as important as this, then you really shouldn't be together. If you are considering spending the rest of your life with this person then you should be able to talk about anything

  4. Open your eyes.  He has stated in the clearest possible way that he will not have more children  - a vasectomy may be reversible, but it's pretty obvious how he feels. Look at things from his point of view - he has a much younger girlfriend  -  he already has enough children  -  things suit him the way they are  -  he sounds pretty selfish to me.  

    Think how things will be in ten years time  -  he will probably be looking forward to retirement, and you'll still be comparatively young, and childless.   He can look forward to a retirement with a young nurse around if he needs one ( that's YOU) , right up to the end. And what will you have ? NOTHING, since he'll bequeath his assets to his children

    Time to go.  Pack your bags and find someone younger and less selfish.

  5. hiya, you are far to young to tell him you don't want kids,what ever was you thinking of.also its unfair of him,expecting you to answer that.just because he already has kids,he can't expect you to stay together,and be will always have feelings, its a natural thing in any women start a family.if he says he will not have kids,i honestly don't think your relationship will last.might do for a few years,but your baby feelings will take over,and you will begin to hate him.till in the end you will split up over your needs for a must talk to him asap.and get this cleared you know were you stand.

  6. Well really only thing u can do is tell him that altho when u got together u agreed that you wouldn't have kids now that the procedures going ahead you've thinking about it and your in your heart u really do.....i do hope you guys will work this out xx

  7. You will have to come clean with him and tell him you want a baby, or else if not in a few months time it will tear you apart if he really loves you he would have one with you if not he's not for you I'm afraid

  8. You need to discuss this as grownups. But remember if he doesn't want a baby you shouldn't force him. He may feel he's too old now. So if that's the case you may need to end the relationship because you'll resent him if you stay and it'll be harder if you continue in a relationship that's just going to end.

  9. if the two of you don't settle this problem it will destroy your relationship

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