
Help me, please! scared!?

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hello i just took my 7 week old daughter swimming in an outdoor heated pool for about 29 mins. when she got cold we took her out. i know you can't catch colds from being cold (its a virus) but could my baby get sick from going swimming? (her head NEVER went under) im worried that she could get pneumonia? could she? or could she get sick with something else?




  1. Relax.  Babies are more resilient than you think. It would be better to wait till she is a bit older before trying it again though - maybe 4 months.

  2. Maybe it was just coincidental that she got sick afterwards, especially since you didn't let her head go under. Just watch her, see how she acts and calm down. I'm sure it's not life threatening. Good Luck and I hope your baby isn't sick :( its so sad when they are.

  3. No she's fine. Its not uncommon for babies that young to go swimming, as long as you wrapped her up in a towel after swimming I don't see any difference between a heated pool and a bath.

  4. Your baby is not going to get a cold or pneumonia from swimming in a swimming pool.  However, it is not generally recommended for young babies to go swimming in pools or lakes because their ability to regulate their body temperature is still developing.  Even though it is a heated pool the temperature of it may be enough to lower her body temperature significantly.  Her body area is very tiny and the mechanisms you and I have to regulate our body temperature such as shivering and sweating are not very developed in a tiny 7 week old.  By the time she begins to shiver or her lip begins to quiver or turn blue than her core body temperature has fallen.  If this is a public pool then you are also exposing her to various viruses and bacterias, especially rather nasty stomach illnesses caused from fecal matter in the pool (sounds gross, but it's true).  Most people can fight these contaminations easily, but an infant or other person with a weak or immature immune system could be highly suseptible.  If she shows signs of any type of unusual behavior such as develops a fever, shivers uncontrollably, has vomiting (not normal spit up) or diarrhea or seems lethargic you would want to contact your doctor.  Even though she didn't have her head go under she may have ingested some of the chlorinated water which could make her sick.  In addition, if the pool is outside she was likely exposed to too much sun for the 29 minutes she was in the pool, which could also make her sick.  Babies should be in the shade or protected from the sun as their skin is very sensitive.  I'd skip the pool for this summer and keep her cool by staying in the shade and taking off her clothes except a diaper and a t-shirt to help her stay cool.  It is possible she'll be just fine, but keep a close eye out for anything unusual in her behavior.  

  5. no shes fine, calm down

  6. my kids both got sick after swimming until about the age of 3 or so

  7. If you're worried that your daughter's sick, the first thing you should always do is call her doctor. When my son's sick, I don't think twice about it. I know it's hot, but you really shouldn't take a baby that young in a pool. Especially if chlorinated.

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