
Help me!! Alternative ways to become a Commercial Pilot?

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I have a friend. His son wants to become a Pilot. My friend said he can't afford to fund his son to study CPL due to the cost is around RM 180K for 2 years at a local flying academy. He too not eligible for bank loan as he is a retiree. My friend met few people including a Pilot and their advice is to study Aeronautical Engineering or Studying at flying academy Overseas. Unfortunately many local colleges offer aircraft maintenance course. Taking such course will land the boy as a Mechanic and this may wipe off his wish to become a pilot one day. I wonder is there any other altenative that can help the boy to acheive his dream. I really feel pity seeing him crying daily. He have applied to local airline companies for cadet pilot training. He is not shortlised. Please, if anyone have a better way or idea on what he can pursue in order to become a pilot at least in nearest future. My friend said he can only afford to spend around RM 40K for his son.




  1. Woah woah woah.  In defense of mechanics I must say that if knowing what the inside of an airplane's strut looks like turns him off from flying then his passion to fly isn't strong enough.  I know several people who are training to be mechanics who eventually want to fly or fly already.  Its a good way to meet people who own planes and if he knows how to maintain them, he can buy an old little cessna 150 and build hours, then sell it when he's accomplished his goal.  Being an engineer is great but he won't legally be able to maintain aircraft.  there are some schools like American Flyers who have a program for the mechanics to earn their pilot's license, essentually working for hours.  And there is the military.

  2. Flying is expensive. That's all there is to  it. You say he is crying daily? I already see a huge problem and it has nothing to do  with  what daddy can and cannot afford.

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