
Help me? Diet.. ugh?

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I am a 20 year old female, who is 6'0, and weighs about 250.. I have tried so many diets, but they just don't work? Can someone tell me of a diet they have done and worked? I'm starting to get frustrated here people =P




  1. Only eat nutritious food and stop eating non-nutritious food. I keep a food diary on Health Tracker at It tells me how much protein, fat, carbs, and calories that I take in per day, plus it subtracts the calories I burned through exercise. This helps me to eat healthy and maintain my weight.

    Also find a high-intensity exercise activity that you enjoy doing frequently such as jumping rope, jogging, riding a bicycle, etc.

    The combination of healthy eating and exercise for the rest of your life will get you into good shape and you won't ever need to diet.

  2. I would forget the diet books and fads and get back to the basics.  Eat Lean Protein like Chicken breast, turkey and fish. Eat green veggies that have plenty of fiber in them.  Stay away from empty calories like white flour products and potatoes. Make every calorie count and of course try and couple this with some exercise and you should see progress right out of the gate. Hope that helped!

  3. Healthy foods throughout the day with 1200-1500 calories and exercise.

  4. I saw this product called Acai Berry on Oprah the other week.. Looked like all the other diet scams, but I went for it and ordered a 14-day free trial from this site.. And guess what, it really works!! I'm so happy I've already lost weight, gotten more energy and my stomach is flatter than ever!

  5. Your diet needs to be low-calorie, based around 40% protein, 30% low GI carbohydrates, and 30% healthy fats. You need to get plenty of water as well. You should be having 3 small meals a day and 2-3 small snacks to speed up your metabolism.

    Don't just go by calories, whether or not the food is healthy matters just as much, contrary to popular belief. Fat-loss is not as simple as the calories consumed and the calories lost.

    Good sources of protein are lean meat, eggs, and fish. Good sources of carbohydrates are yam, sweet potatoes, and fruit. Good sources of healthy fats are avocados, fish, and nuts and seeds.

    Best of luck!

  6. meal.  I have been on a diet  for the past week and I have lost some weight. All I have done is cut back on all my sweets and sodas. I still break over but I almost refuse to go on a strict diet,don't think I could make  Just start out eating what you want then taper off each mealdesserts are your problem,just eat one a day. Everything in moderation. Hang in there and you will be fine!!
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