
Help me Fix my Yu-Gi-Oh deck?

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My Deck


Rallis the Star Bird

Elemental Hero Burstinatrix

Gearfried the Iron Knight

Gearfried the Swordmaster

Mirage Dragon

Chainsaw Insect

D. D. Warrior lady

Destiny Hero-Dasher

Tyrant Dragon


Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab


Princess of Tsurugi

Etoile Cyber


Guardian Angel Joan

Destiny Hero-Plasma

Elemental Hero Bladedge

Destiny Hero-Doom Lord

Elemental Hero Neos

Blade Skater

Elemental Hero Avian

Elemental Hero Wildheart

Luster Dragon

Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin

Sage of Stillness

Elemental Hero Clayman


Tribe-Infecting Virus

Cyber Tutu

Chaos Sorcerer

Destiny Hero-Double Dude

Winged Kuriboh

Ultimate Tyranno

Mask of Darkness

Hydrogeddon (2)

Dancing Fairy


Elemental Flare Neos

Elemental Hero Aqua Neos

Elemental Hero Wildedge

Elemental Hero Phoenix Enforcer

Elemental Hero Rampart Blaster

Elemental Hero Wildwingman

Cyber Blader

Spells + Traps will be in another question (not enough Room)




  1. I have to say its a good deck. people complain to me all the time about not having a themed deck! So people who think you need a themed deck! YOU DON'T! And deck is good.


  2. It would be better if you would slim it down to 40 cards.

    You need speed to win sometimes.

  3. Nice and also very random. Also please disregard the first answer. Themed decks are great to have because you learn to limit yourself and make good choices. Just throwing alll the cards in whole deck doesn't make it good. Also themed decks are great for beginners to the game. It is effective for them to understand that it really doesn't matter what everyone else have and just deal with what you have. Great deck but I won't say it since I just pointed it out in your other question. Add in a Fusion Gate and a Dimension Fusion.

    P.S. Holy c**p! I almost forgot to tell you that Graceful Charity and Tribe-Infecting Virus is BANNED unless you are playing by Traditional Format. If by any chance you are playing Advanced then take out those two cards. You can always slip in Monster Reborn and Premature Burial.

  4. good deck but isnt it better to have a deck is unpredectable than1 that some oneone can read

  5. I'm going to be brutally honest here in saying that either these people are just being way too nice or know absolutely nothing about Yu-Gi-Oh!

    I'm going to put it plain and simple: This deck sucks!

    Your first problem is that it is way too random and you have way too many different strategies meshing together that it'll never work.  Second is that straight fact that you have something like 66 cards.  You need to keep your deck to 40 cards at all times, if not, then definitely no more then 45.

    I don't know how old you are or what kind of access to good cards that you have, but strategy is everything in this game.  If those are the best cards you have, then I wish you the best of luck.  Also please pay attention to the Banned List as you have alot of banned cards including Graceful Charity, Tribe-Infecting Virus, Chaos Sorcerer, etc.

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