
Help me!! I'm Depressed?

by Guest63680  |  earlier

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I'm 14 and lately i've been really sad and depressed. I'm feeling fatigued and bloated all the time. The only time that changes is when i'm playing tennis or exercising, which is just about everyday. But the day after, i feel the same, fatigued, bloated and depressed. I'm going back to school soon and i'm worried my close friend will be getting a lot of glances (not the bad staring freak kind) and getting checked out and hit on. I think i might be sad because i know i wont be. But that was only the past 2 days where i've seen her 'new look' i know i should be happy for my friend and i dont know why, but i'm jealous. I've been feeling bad/depressed for about 1 - 2 months now :(




  1. everyone feels that way, if they show it or not, we're all human

  2. Jealousy is a normal emotion. You're body is probably going through a hormonal change. You shouldn't worry though, you're still very young, and are still developing. I'm pretty sure you will grow up to be a stunning girl.

  3. Well there has to be something that started making you feel this way.

    Family problems, guy problems, school problems, friend problems?

    Maybe its a self esteem issue? Look everyone is beautiful and even though I don't know you, you probably are! Cause you seem really athletic and stuff and really likable. You just need to be with your friends more and start realizing how great of a person you are. Dont be afraid to do things and always try to stay active- and obviously that makes you feel better so just be more active. Just have fun. I'm 13 and sometimes i get like this. But i just try to figure out what I'm so depressed about then I go and fix it. and try to make things better

    I hope everything turns out ok

    you seem awesome:)

    BELIEVEEE in yourself

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