
Help me I don't feel to good?

by  |  earlier

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I just ate a large fry and 3 double cheeseburgers from McDonald's. I was about to get 4. Because I was a little hungry lol.




  1. i usually just eat the hamburger without any fries !

    you need to just lie down till the food " distributes " itself out !!

  2. I would take a walk and get some air. I would drink some water.  I hope you feel better. That is a lot of food .LOL . Take it easy xx

  3. You're just really full. Drink some ginger ale, take a pepto and relax a little until your body digests and recovers.

  4. It will pass. I think your system can only take so much horrible food at a time.

  5. you have ate to much grease and you need some medicine to get that out (try using the restroom)

    hope you fell better

  6. so what's your question? if youre wondering why you dont feel well... you already told us. you are too much fried food that is not healthy for you. your stomach is probably having a hard time digesting all the grease.

  7. No wonder you don't feel good!!! You pigged out man!!!!

  8. wow.....go on a diet!!!!thats horrible

  9. go take a nap.

    then wake up and go exercise all the fat you ate off.


  10. ur question makes no sence. lol chill out dont do to much activity untill ur food settles, hahaha. dont eat so much in one setting, you'll get fat.

  11. lay down, grab  a magazine and get ready to run to the s*****r soon

  12. dont eat that much, its not good for you.  do you know how many calories are in those things? way too many to be eating 4.

  13. its because u ate so much. how much do u weigh??? i would be puking after i ate more than one!! u probbally ate 3000 calories smart onei can last 3 days and just eat tht much

  14. Wow that's a lot of food! I would make up for it by not eating too much for the rest of the day or the next few days..and eating healthy!!

  15. Wow thats a lot of food, each burger has around 440 calories, so that is about 1320 right there. Plus the large fry is about 700 calories, that is about a whole days worth of food eaten in one sitting. No wonder you don't feel well. Better find a bathroom.

  16. Never eat that much food from McDonalds ever again.  It may taste good, but it is so bad for you that I am starting to feel a little sick just hearing about it.

  17. Man, I used to be kinda fat and I've never had that many burgers at once.  I find it hard finishing two.  

    Have fun with the diarrhea, but I see you're a man that likes a challenge!

  18. Take some Tums or pepcid ac.  But if I were you I would learn from this and not each that much again.  In fact watch Super Size me and you will never eat McDonald's again.

  19. Next time you think you are hungry, get one thing and then just go back up for more, it'll keep the food warmer that way too, and probably keep you from eating so fast and overeating.

  20. Lay on your left side and relax.

  21. ur a little disgusting but yea eating that much McDonalds will do that to ya alright!!

  22. you know how not to overeat.  Take some tums or pepto.....relax

  23. Wow thats a lot. Just go take a nap and you should feel better.

  24. that is seriously unhealthy... take some tums... drink lots of water.. and just eat a very light dinner

  25. drink plent of fluids

  26. Oh, I know the perfect advice to help you out...

    STOP EATING c**p!

    Did you know, that the labels on the box for McDonalds patties, reads... "Grade E, but edible"

    This is no joke! I use dto work there.... not healthy!!!

  27. So, lay down for awhile, take a dump and eat more

  28. don't eat anything else until you get hungry and stop eating when you're not hungry anymore, don't eat until you're full

  29. What's so unhealthy about McDonald's food?

          McDONALD's try to show in their "Nutrition Guide" (which is full of impressive-looking but really quite irrelevant facts & figures) that mass-produced hamburgers, chips, colas, milkshakes, etc., are a useful and nutritious part of any diet.

          What they don't make clear is that a diet high in fat, sugar, animal products and salt (sodium), and low in fibre, vitamins and minerals - which describes an average McDonald's meal - is linked with cancers of the breast and bowel, and heart disease. Thisis accepted medical fact, not a cranky theory. Every year in Britain, heart disease alone causes about 180,000 deaths.


        * Even if they like eating them, most people recognise that processed burgers and synthetic chips, served up in paper and plastic containers, is junk-food. McDonald's prefer the name "fast-food". This is not just because it is manufactured and serve up as quickly as possible - it has to be eaten quickly too. It's sign of the junk-quality of Big Macs that people actually hold competitions to see who can eat one in the shortest time.


        * Chewing is essential for good health, as it promotes the flow of digestive juices which break down the food and send nutrients into the blood. McDonald's food is so lacking in bulk it is hardly possible to chew it. Even their own figures show that a "quarter-pounder" is 48% water. This sort of fake food encourages over-eating, and the high sugar and sodium content can make people develop a kind of addiction - a 'craving'. That means more profit for McDonald's, but constipation, clogged arteries andheart attacks for many customers.In the slaughterhouse, animals often struggle to escape. Cattle become frantic as they watch the animal before them in the killing-line being prodded, beaten, electrocuted, and knifed.

    A recent government report criticized inefficient stunning methods which frequently result in animals having their throats cut while still fully conscious. McDonald's are responsible for the deaths of countless animals by this supposedly humane method. We have the choice to eat meat or not. The 450 million animals killed for food in US every year have no choice at all. It is often said that after visiting an abattoir, people become nauseous at the thought of eating flesh. How many of us would be prepared to work in a slaughterhouse and kill the animals we eat?HAT'S YOUR POISON?

    MEAT is responsible for 70% of all food-poisoning incidents, with chicken and minced meat (as used in burgers) being the worst offenders. When animals are slaughtered, meat can be contaminated with gut contents, f***s and urine, leading to bacterial infection. In an attempt to counteract infection in their animals, farmers routinely inject them with doses of antibiotics. These, in addition to growth-promoting hormone drugs and pesticide residues in their feed, build up in the animals' tissues and can further damage the health of people on a meat-based diet. This is why your not feeling well....

  30. yep  a life insurrance would be a great thing for you...  just don't tell them about yourself...

    just make sure you don't forget to smoke a cigarrete and drink some Vodka...

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