
Help me! I don't want my teacher to think I'm a nut!?

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I don't like lying to people I had to do this assignment where I meditate for 15 minutes every night and record my experience.

The thing is, now I am supposed to write a paper about my experience and I don't know what to do because some really freaky things happened while I was meditating! I slipped very deep into a dissociative state on two of the nights that I meditated and had almost a "religious" experience. I don't know what 2 write if I don't write the truth but I am afraid my teacher will think I am a weirdo and that I am making this up!The one night I did it with my eyes open and I saw a sparkly patch on some clothes and then my body appeared to vanish and I felt as if I was a hologram. A few nights later I felt disconnected from my body and completely euphoric; it was as if I was being transported somewhere and that somebody wanted to show me something. I used to meditate with my dad when I was a kid, so maybe this was a factor.

Anyways,what should I say?What would you do?




  1. Interesting when I was in my teens, I used to meditate infront of my mirror, basically hypomtizing my self through starring at myself in the mirror.  I used to watch my face morph into these weird things.  Anything is possibly; you are more receptive because you had earlier experiance with meditation and you are able to completly relax yourself and let your spirits free.  Don't feel weird for what you are experiancing; the teacher wanted to know the outcome.  Tell about it and don't be reluctant.  Maybe it is her own investigation for something he/she has encountered and wants to ease her mind.

  2. If your teacher asked this, they're a nut.  Most likely you'll get an A out of the paper.

  3. That's tough. I wouldn't be comfortable sharing something like that because it's a pretty private, personal experience. Your teacher should understand that; maybe he/she does. Write what  you feel comfortable sharing even if it's vague, or ask your teacher before you write it if you have to put in all the details. If the teacher doesn't like that you weren't detailed in your essay, just explain your situation and maybe he/she'll up your grade. What class is this for? Just my opinion, but that's a little nervy requiring students to share personal experiences like that with strangers.

  4. You might be surprised how receptive your teacher is.  Plus, it gets boring grading the same old thing over and over...your assignment will probably be a refreshing experience for the teacher.  Tell the truth.  Who knows, your teacher may be able to relate.

  5. I wouldn't worry so much about the teacher as I would about other kids seeing it.  It's OK to talk to your teacher before you write the paper.  Explain that you had these special experiences, and you want to keep them completely confidential.  If the teacher can't do that, then ask how much you should edit out.

    It all sounds in the realm of possibility -- I assume the teacher knows you have a good imagination.  Do the assignment in the spirit of scientific exploration, and you should be fine.  You can probably find similar experiences in psychological texts that back up what you felt.  Your teacher may be able to help you find it.  Certainly, s/he should be able to help you put it in perspective.

    Good luck!

  6. I would totally write about it... if you teacher questions the validity, then you should counter by questioning the validity of being assignment to meditate without being allowed to give actual results.

  7. You had this incredible experience and you are worried about a stupid grade?

    You have got to be kidding me.

  8. simple mate,

    tell the truth if the teachers insane enuff to ask this of u, u;ll do well. or if u know the teachers only asking this off u to prove its non existance tell her/ him u fell asleep u'll also get an A.

  9. Tell the truth, that is the assignment.

    I have learned that when asked to tell the truth about something that should be entertaining (ie: a failed road test or a meditation session) students will add to their personal stories to make them more interesting.

    Chances are if you do tell the truth they will think you were using your imagination (by the way they do attempt to teach imagination and creativity) but they will look at it positivity, not as though you are a crazy person.

    If they call you out and make accusations, be playful. Question how they know your making it up and then claim you must have misunderstood the assiginment.

    Have fun and be honest.

  10. I would answer truthfully, and figure that if your teacher is the type who is going to assign meditation for homework, that is someone who probably won't consider any hallucinatory behaviour all that odd anyway. Unless its all really a plot designed purely for the purpose of embarrassing you in front of your classmates.  Either way, if you don't hand it in as an assignment, you can always parlay it into a short story somewhere...

  11. U r a nut.

  12. That's all normal.  You are actually resting your brain and allowing yourself to stop thinking for a while.  Nothing you said hasn't been anything I or anyone else hasn't experienced when meditating.

    Tell the truth as your teacher is grown up and has experienced life enough to know its normal.

    As far a religious experience?  That's what deep ritualistic prayer is about.  It calms you down and you experience a sense of euphoria.  Perfectly normal.

  13. how is this "religious" ????

    i think you should tell your teacher shes supposed to be smart let her figure it out for you

  14. If your teacher honestly assigned you to meditate, I seriously doubt she has any place judging anyone over the concept...

  15. i think u probably ought to just make up stuff about what a calming and peaceful experience it was(though it wasnt!).lets face it even if she/he does believe u ,ur bound to be made a laughing stock by friends n peers.u must chill ,it was probably the capuccino that made u feel that!!!

  16. I would write about  it . What subject is this on? I think I would tell some of it and leave the rest to tell later and have a good story to tell. But if that's what happened, she wants to know that.

  17. I think you should write the truth.  Write what you experienced and felt - this exercise should help you gain some perspective.  

    Worst case scenario:  Your teacher will not think you are a weirdo, just very creative.

  18. Now i am not to sure what to make of this as you have already posed this question but last time it had the twist of you having seen something " after having taken a caffeine pill and drinking a rum and coke "  see link below;...

    o.k just thought i would point it out as i was a bit confused ...when i meditate i also feel similar to you and as i use Angel meditation its nothing more than i would expect our angels guide us and show us things...they guide and enlighten us i would like to offer a suggestion if i may.......i am wondering if when using your meditation you are going beyond meditation and you are starting to drift off onto the astral ?? just a thought and maybe something Worth looking into ? have you ever astrally projected ?? or tried it ??

  19. well, thats pretty cool if you ask me... who cares if your teacher thinks youre a nut? why did he/she assign you the project in the first place?  to see if you could calm down?  it seems to me, you have experienced an OBE, or out of body experience. (do your reasearch, cuz its fascinating, and you could put that in the report too) i think you should write exactally what happened, and if she/he doesnt like it, then what can you do?

  20. He's not gona laugh at you if you do extensive background research on meditation and show what type of experience it can produce in people who meditate. Instead of just telling him look what I saw.

  21. Tell the truth, it's not always what you say, but how you say it...What you experienced is what meditation is allabout.

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