
Help me I was suppose to attend summer school but I didn;t go?

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Hi I failed my 2nd semester of my freshman year I only failed math,science and i need to retake it I applied to summer school but didn;t go since I thought the Sat was more important so I went to a program where they teach the Sat. Now im going to 10th grade and i want to be active in school and get high gpa? Am i screwed or what the low grades where the fact that my parents were aruging over divorce and i didn;t want to attend school since i was sad and lonely. But I realize that I have a far more greater purpose to go to college can I get myself out of this hole i am in? nd still get into a unvierstiy like nyu Cornell?? Thank you




  1. How are you the Math Nerd if you failed math? :S Anyway, performing well in school from now on will definitely let you succeed but you need to keep your head in the game because a bad year mixed with average to decent grades may not cut it. I also wouldn't worry too much about the SAT's as you have about 2 years to go. It's great to be prepared and practice early, but you should be reading the prep books etc instead of taking the courses this early. Now that it's behind you though, make sure to use your summers to enhance your grades and studies.

    You still have a great chance at getting into Cornell and NYU if you work hard.

  2. If, from now on, you keep your GPA at or above a 3.5 - that's an A- in every class from now on - and you do very well on the SAT, then you stand a chance at NYU and Cornell.

    If your GPA from now on isn't quite that good, but you keep the rest of your classes at a 3.0 (B) or better, you can still get into a decent college.

    Your one bad year won't hold you back, if you do well from now on. But you MUST attend class.

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