
Help me!! Is this weird? whats going on?

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umm... lets see...last night i had a really weird dream about this guy i like...were really good friends and everything...and i want it to be more...but im not sure if thats what he wants too.

I had a dream that he asked me to formal in june and we both liked each other.

i woke up this morning and felt jitters. Later on i felt sick to my stomach...but not sick sick, butterfly sick and im still feeling that way. ive been having weird nervous sweats too and I feel anxious. Is this from that dream or something else? I'm dying to know what it is...

Any fortune tellers out there?




  1. Dude, you don't go to Cambridge, do you? There's not many other places that use the word "formal" as a noun and have big parties in June...

  2. this same thing has happened to me....  dreams kinda set the tone for the day, but im not sure if it means anything... best of luck!

  3. weirdo.. well go to a guru n ask bout it lolzz

    get well soon :p


  4. You're just nervous... and you are probably just hoping that he returns your feelings. And are a bit scared that he might say no and embarass you.

  5. Well you could always try and find out if he likes you. Just ask. Its not that hard. REALLY. It should make all those sick feelings go away.

  6. I think your just in the " i love a boy stage" It is really hard if you like a boy and they don't like you back. Just remember any guy that doesn't like you back isn't the right guy. And the butterflies are just cause' the dreams make you excited that all.

  7. no its not from the dream youor just sick its normal to have those types of dreams

  8. it's probably both, yopu're freaking out b/c of that dream and you're worried what will happen next. Just don't sweat it, start to act normal around him again and try to get closer but not so starts to figure it out. And see what happens you never know!!

  9. you are obsessed with this guy, go get him!

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