
Help me! My child is not listening to me and she calls me friends think I'm too nice what do i do?

by  |  earlier

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I don't do anything about it because i don't want to hurt her feelings and make her mad. I'm too too nice and let her get away with anything. help me!




  1. can u be my mom

  2. You need to get her respect because you are her mother. It is your right to get respect from her. you should have the final saying on everything. warn her that if she ever calls you names again you are going to take something she loves away from her like a toy, an ipod etc etc. you should reward her for the good things she does but don't spoil her too much. You will need to start as soon as possible cause you don't want to end up in dr phils brat house. don't scream with her talk to her calmly and enforce your authority.

  3. By not getting after her and disciplining her, your telling her what she is doing is okay, and it's not.  YOU are the adult, and you need to start acting like one, by letting her know that ther words and actions are inappropriate and will not be tolerated any longer.  Forget about making her mad and hurting her feelings, you are her parent, not her BFF.  If you can't stand up to your own daughter, what are you doing having a child in the 1st place??

  4. you are an enabler

    you need to have rules and demand that she live within them

    Your daughter is crying out for some structure in her life and you have failed to provide any to date.

    Go to the table and write all of the things that she needs to do and all of the things you need to require of her.

    Set down with her and tell her this is the way things are  going to be from now on.

    Explain that she must obey or she will be punished in what ever manor you think is appropriate for her failure

  5. How old is your child? You can't wait until they are in their teens to start buckling down on them. You have to start when they are very little. Don't worry about hurting her feelings. You are the mother and she should do as you say. You have only her best interest in mind. She has to learn to respect you. If she is calling her names ground her from something she likes to do and stick with it. There is a lot of peer pressure today for these young people. You as a parent need to keep close tabs on her and her well being. You don't need to suffocate her I don't mean that. But you need to be involved in what kind of friends she has, where she wants to go  and etc. Good Luck to you.

  6. Your a mom, why are you concerned you don't hurt her feelings? Sorry but mom's need to teach their children that it is WRONG to call ppl names, espicially the person that bore life into them. Stand up to her and act like a mom. Your in charge of her not her in charge of you. So her feelings get hurt, boo hoo. She will get over it. Do IT now before it is too late for any hope.

  7. Sounds like you already know the answer - if she is already acting like this imagine how she is going to be as a teenager - get control why you can.

  8. If I called my mama a name, even at 31 years old, she'd haul off and whoop my ***.  Mamas aren't supposed to be friends with their children.  That sort of relationship will come after the child is an adult after respect is established.  While the child is young, you must discipline her.  So what if she gets mad?

  9. She's your child, not your friend.  Be a mother...not her friend.

    Sometimes, their little feelings are going to get hurt, and that's how they start to learn right from wrong.  When discipline is instilled, they start to realize that when they do something wrong, the consequences will cause them discomfort.  

    Do you put up with the same kind of behavior from other adults?  My guess is if another adult called you the same names as your child, you'd be more likely to speak up and let them know their behavior is unacceptable.  

    There are ways of telling children this without resorting to violence, but you cannot and will not raise a child without ever hurting her feelings.  It's all part of learning how to cope.

    If you don't start enforcing discipline now, while she's young, you're going to find yourself researching teen boot camps by the time she's 12, and elder abuse when she's an adult.  TEACH HER NOW!

  10. punish her she will not hate you she may be mad and sad but she will learn and thank you latter on in liugh and your thank you self find a spot in your home and every time she is bad or misbehaves put her in it and tell her why she is there and walk away if she gets up walk her back and in a ferm vose thel her to STAY if she gets up again hold her there tell she calms down but do not talk to her even if she says let me go do not respond to her then when she callms down let her go and have her stay there tell she can come in to the room yopu are in and say sorry trust me it works i have had to brack my kid and my foster kids and the kids i babysit it only takes a few times

  11. If you really love your child, you have to set a structure for her.  That makes a child  feel more secure.  Otherwise, she will be insecure and doubt herself.

    You can't cave in.  Set the rules and stick to them.  You don't say how old she is, just set them according to her age.  She won't learn any younger, but neither will you.

    Children become like wild animals when they don't have any structure in their lives.  

    Be the adult here, and shock the socks off her.  Stick to your rules.

    If she is old enough to recognize, make her a chart with stickers for her to pick up her clothes and toys.  Give her a star when she completes her chores.

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