
Help me!? My first day of high school is tomorrow and I'm kind of scared.?

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So tomorrow is my very first day of high school, so I'm gonna be a freshie. And the thing is that I'm scared for like a lot of reasons. First of all, I'm really worried about getting lost, cause my school is super huge, and it is composed of like three different buildings, and I have different classes in all three of them, so I have to run around a lot and it's kind of confusing. And I'm also scared that like the schoolwork will be really hard and that the teachers will be tough and stuff, cause my school is a selective enrollment school, so its more challenging than normal public schools and I'm taking mostly honors classes too, and I've never done that before. And also, I'm kind of worried about making friends, since all of the kids there are coming from like all different parts of the city, so most of us don't really know each other unless we came from the same elementary school. So yeah, I'm pretty much like freaking out, and I am also slightly afraid of the older kids, like the juniors and seniors. So do you guys have any advice on how to survive my first day? What is high school like? I really hope that I end up loving it, but I'm scared of getting my hopes up.




  1. You'll be fine!

    My first day of high school was last tuesday and it was great!!!

    it's not as bad as i thought it was going to be.

  2. Did someone just type out "hang out with the popular kids"?  You DO NOT need to do that just to fit in.  Just bare in mind that all the incoming freshmen are as nervous as you are, so you're not the only one!  Make some friends and you're good.  If you get lost, just ask around.  Don't freak out if you don't make it in time for the class, I'm sure the teachers would understand.  Good luck with everything.  And oh yea, the junior and seniors aren't bullies, like how it is in movies, lol.  Maybe they just have an overwhelming pride of where they are at, but they won't hurt you =)

  3. Im scared about getting lost tomorrow too! but just think  of it like this.. if they only let certin people in then they already think you can do it and it wont be too hard for you. and friends it might take awhile to make some or maybe you will met your bff the first day

    just calm down and good luck and have funn!

  4. First take a deep breath. Just chill out. Everything will be fine. First impression always counts, so don't do anything out of the ordinary. Hang out with popular kids, be talkative, and stay calm. Everything goes much better and faster when you're calm than nervous, believe me I would know.  Get good grades and you'll have many friends in no time.  

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