
Help me! My shin splints are driving me crazy!?

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OK, i was diagnosed with shin splints, the first doctor i went to said it was growing pains and told me to rest them, dismissing it as if it was nothing.

I rested for at least 3 months doing nothing but swimming, but as soon as i GRADUALLY started training again, it came back worse than before.

I then went to see some trainee physiotherapists for free because my mum can't afford for me to have a physiotherapist. And they said i have overpronation and i should go back to the doctors.

This other doctor said i had shin splints and if i carried on doing training it would not damage anything and he referred me to an orthapedic surgeon whom i haven't seen yet because the waiting list is so long.

My coach didn't want me running until i saw this surgeon, but i have carried on and the pain is becoming worse and she reckons i may have tiny fractures on both of my legs.

Can you help me please? This injury has ruined the entire cross country season so please help!




  1. Everyone tells you to rest which is true, but in your case you should be able to be running now.Your coach is probably right just wait till you see the surgeon. Also, take dixie cups fill them with water then freeze them till the become like an ice cube, then  massage the are on your shins that hurt the most.I know how you feel, I ruined my whole cross country season because I sprained my ankle then I went to go run in a meet and made it much worse and ended up getting bursititus in my ankle and had to wait for 2 and half months till I could run.

  2. My son had this problem he was sent for an xray but no fractures showed up try taking glucosamine suppliments and not running on hard surfaces but soft eg grass,sand try going uphill etc try the opposite of what hurts also he took anti inflamminateries and used ice packs when pain too bad ,ask about an insole for your trainer /spikes my son said this worked for him. Also try  + google shin splints this will give you some good websites in usa with great advice on them.It will get better my son s just won the 200 m Ulster school final today thats shows it can be over come.

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