
Help me.... Please? Do not know what to do...

by  |  earlier

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Things that happened to me are eating me... I can't stop crying when I think of them... Someone made a mistake, thought I was planned to commit suicide and sent me to a phsycologist for no reason, I was so embarassed... The boy I love love love left, went to a different school... I immigrated from my home country... I am depressed... HELP




  1. stop thinking sucide and dont forget pray the lord.... love this boy....  

  2. There is only one thing we can count on and that is Change. Things Will change for you. This is a bad period for you but it will pass if you hand in there and do positive things that make you feel better. There is someone in your future waiting to love you so never give up on life.

  3. my advise to you is to adopte to any think worst happened to you in your whole life and i wish you another perfect love in the future, trust me darling!!!!!!

  4. Now listen , for a start, you are sharing your intended actions of wanting to commit suicide, meaningful people dont share these thoughts.They just do it.So really, you just want us to know how you feel, which is a good thing to share your thoughts with other folk.Yes, you have left your home country, you and ten million other folk, you must except this, and get on with living your life, not hanging on to dreams you had.Someone cared for you deeply, when they sent you for counselling, because you gave out all the signs of needing it.Except what has happened, and start the rest of your life from today its the beginning of the rest of your life.Good luck to you sweatheart in all you do and achieve.PHD.

  5. man, don't commit suicide,

    I thought that was the solution once, so I ended up depressed for a long time. But then I realized life is too short to mope around wishing this and wishing that.If you were meant to be with this guy, he'll come back one way or another.

    Life's too short to deal with the past or future.

    deal with right now. [ i'm getting corny. lol ]

    Best of luck,

    <3 Angel [ nhadlyn ]

  6. sounds like you have it pretty rough, hang in there, things will find their way.  It takes both sunshine and rain to make a rainbow.  

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