
Help me!!! Please help answer my questions?

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Who will be most affected worldwide by climate change?

What industries or companies are contributing to climate change?




  1. Everyone will be affected, mostly the animals.

    The large companies that pollute our air is out of control.

    Watch this "The 11th Hour Trailer"  video by Leonardo DiCaprio:


  3. global warming is not a definate thing, it has not been proven that humans are causing it. what is the number one emittor of greenhouse gases?.......livestock.

  4. People in northern canada and the future generations

    Silk Soymilk is all organic and all recycled and all wind powered.

    EDIT:: I thought you meant in a good way, in a bad way, Oil companies, landfill (don't know what buissness that is but it sure as h**l is bad)

  5. Green Peace.

    British Gas.

  6. Rich people who choose to live in dangerous intertidal zones.

    Rich people who have to pay high prices for food and fuel.

    City dwellers whose lives will be disrupted when fuel and food become scarce.

    Poor people who already depend on government and charitable contributions.

  7. All of us equally but seems as if major coal companies are contributing to acid rain. In my area i live 10 miles from a coal factory and they emit dangerous gasses that can be smelled in the morning and all nite long. Check out Bruce Mansfield Shippingport PA. This is a company that just pays the fines to stay in operation of violating codes.

  8. the north and south pole

  9. My ***.


  10. THE SEAL...their numbers have decreased by 173,000 in the past century...anyone who drives a car is contributing.

  11. I think people who live near the cost will be affected by the climate change and as the glaciers melt the water levels will rise possible leading to floods and the coastal dwellers will migrate more towards the inland.

    Nasa are one of the contributors to the climate change and HAARP

  12. 1.  The poor, city dwellers, and people who live near the coast at sea level.  

    2.  Energy, manufacturing, air transportation, ground transportation, real estate development, defense, and slash and burn farmers.

  13. your question is so broad, it could be answered with 100,000 pages of answers. everyone and everything will be affected, and everyone and everything contributes.

  14. Sad video of polar bears affected by Global Warming ='(

  15. polar bear and other animals living in the north and south poles bc pollution destryos the ozone layer. without the ozone layer, UV rays are let into earth and heat up the earth, thus melting the polar caps. therefore, these animals have no solid ground and drown.

    almost EVERYONE is contributing to global warming. littering, gas pollution, aerosol (most hairsprays).

  16. animals that lived in cold places, like polar bears.

    gas companies

  17. who will be affected?  every living being!

    what industries?  unfortunately mostly all of them but especially oil refineries and car manufacturers

  18. I think your avaitor is pretty. are you as pretty in real life

  19. companies that sell "carbon credits" will benefit greatly.

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