I am currently studying in India(Tamilnadu,chennai)..I am doing my 3rd yr b-tech comp sci in SRM university.
My college offers the SAP(Semester Abroad Program).I have the option to get transferred to UWM for the final year and also do the ms in that college itself. My question is that
1. Is UW-Milwaukee a good university....
2. Does it have a good placement record...
3. How r the people there (coz i heard that racism is higher in
america.And I don't want to get into a tight situation in an unknown
country.R most of the People there friendly or racists..)
4. Is that a expensive place to live......
5. Does the degree cert provided by the univ after completion of the
course highly recognised and respected all over the world (i.e.,as a
good univ or 'students from the univ r knowledgeable',etc)