
Help me and my family are white cuban and my family is extremely racist. ?

by  |  earlier

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Especially my dad he does not like black,mexican,or asians my mom is not that racist but my ants,uncle,grandparents,and cousins.every one in my family either has blond hair,red hair,and light brown hair with blue,green,hazel,and grey eyes.what can i do to stop the racism.My dad's ancestors are from Russia,Ireland,Uk,and Austria and my mom's are from Spain,Italy,France,and Germany.




  1. That's really sad to hear. I think that there is a big problem going on. It's really sad to hear that. But I don't think we could change people to feel like that they were race with that feeling. What you could do is when you started your family show them that everyone is the same.

    I am mexican and I feel really proud of it. People always judges because of several of mexican that are doing bad. But we have good feeling remember, everyone is different a good way or bad way.

    Good luck!

  2. You can't do anything..

    Someday they'll realize ..

  3. my family same too but I struggled with it even had to hide my relationship with my boyfriend for years until I got older spoke my mind when I was younger it was super hard and draining on my moin cause we would have fights over it then I end up marring my boyfriend now they love him especially our children it was hard because I was the only girl so they were very protective I mean really I had to watch my back everytime and made sure I wasnt walking with anyone of color boys mainly  but some families are stubborn and wont let it go sometimes disown you but if you are older you should try to talk to them if they are not willing to hear you well it is just instilled in them from the family tree you just make sure you break that chain of racism good luck hope your family is opened to change

  4. i dont think theres a lot u can do to stop them but it is good u have ur own opinion and u r not following in there footsteps

  5. My old man's a racist too. There is nothing you can do about it. It's something so deeply crafted into their entire childhood and way of life.

    You never really can get rid of the racism in someone, but if you can make them good friends with someone of a race that they are normally hateful against, they may be willing to find a compromise of some sort.

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