
Help me answer some questions about recycle?

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I'm working on my last portfolio about recycle. I have some questions about Waste Management. If you guys know about it, please help me figure out. Thank you!

1. How do WM collect their garbage?

2. Do they have any current programs that encourage people recycle?

3. Do they have any new plans to help people realize the importance of recycling?

Thank you very much!




  1. It depends on the area you live in.  Where I live now you must take your recycleables to a collectioin point and redeemable drink containers to a bottle/can depot.  In the city where I used to live there were 7 different "garbage" trucks which made regular weekly rounds:

    garbage, recycleable misc paper/newsprint/cardboard, yard waste, appliances, cans/bottles/etc, compostable kitchen waste and scrap metal.

    The waste management company will have flyers with general guidelines for what should go where and how waste streams should be separated.

    Your municipality will probably have specific by-laws regarding recycling and if you don't take it seriously you could get fined.  Where I used to live they even did random audits of garbage bags, so they took it very seriously.

  2. This changes with each different area and Waste Management company.

    I would suggest that you contact your local Waste management company and ask them your questions.

    the ones in my area are willing to answer any questions that i might have, however it is a very small community and I am personal friend with many of their employees.

  3. I'm sure you can find all that on their website.

  4. they use a garbage truck to get it

  5. In my local area, WM does not own a recycling facility, they do a lot of talking about how they r GREEN but no WALKING!  You can collect recycables at your events, if WM picks it up, it goes into trash because they can't make any money off it.  They make their money by charging you landfill space so that's where your hard work sortin' trash 4 recycables will go!  Thank God our city recycles & another company, Allied Waste has their own facilities.

  6. Your questions are very dependent on where you live.  I recommend checking out to locate your local recycling center.  Most likely they have a website which will answer these questions and more for you.

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