
Help me answer this question !!!?

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1)Who coined the term "science"?

a)Francis Bacon b)Roger Bacon c)Wilian Whewell d)Plato

2)Who is the Father of the automobile?

a)Rudolf Diesel b)Henry Ford c)Gottieb Daimler d)Carl Benz

3)Which planet is also known as the "Morning Star"?

A)Mars B)Jupiter C)Venus D)None

4)Which substances acts like a fuel in driving the body?

A)Minerals B)Vitamins C)Carbohydrates D)Water

5)Which of the following is responsible for maximum deaths today?

A)Cardiovascular diseases B)Accidents C)Respiratory disease D)Cancer

6)Which organ is the easiest to transplant from one person to another?

A)Kidney B)Heart C)Blood D)Lung




  1. 1) Blood  2) Kidney 3) Heart  4) Lung

    This is the order.

    The first time in medical History, 2 months back, Doctors in Kerala, India  has transplanted a patient heart and Lungs simultaneously in one surgical operation.

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