Compared and contrasted two cultures for all Interview questions.
What foods are indicative of your culture? What foods items are needed to make a meal for you?
How many meals do you eat every day? Do you snack?
Who usually shares the meals?
Who prepares the meals?
Where is food normally consumed?
How is food normally consumed?
How do your food habits differ from your family norms? In what significant ways do they differ?
What are symbolic meanings of food known to your culture?
Do either you have any food ‘taboos’?
What are the major holidays you and your family celebrate each year?
What special foods are served for these holidays?
Do you fast? If yes, when? What, if any, foods are avoided and/or consumed?
What foods (if any) do you eat to improve strength, endurance, and/or vitality?
What foods do you avoid to prevent illness or disease?
What foods do you eat to stay healthy?
What foods did your mother (or caregiver) feed you when you were sick?