
Help me argue against a housing development coming in my neighborhood.?

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I live in PA and my house is surrounded on all sides but the front by woods. I was just informed by me "neighbor" - he is on the other side of the woods - that all the woods have sold and they plan on putting 40 houses on the 25 acres and have a nature walkway, a play area and a community building. To top it all off, the houses are going to be cheap and rentals. There is a commissioners meeting for the neighborhood. I need some really good arguments. This is INSANE! I have acres, but it is all yard and they sound like they are going to level most of the woods. HELP!!!!!!




  1. mmmmm,having been an early causality of the economy I lost everything.So I am now a renter and starting a business over.

    There should be a zoning change request and a planning commission approval.You say there is a commissioners meeting,then get your surrounding neighbors involved.You probably won't be 100% successful but you may convince them to upscale the project to the surrounding homes.

    My Best

  2. Contact a group such as the Nature Conservancy, the Audobon Society or any other wildlife activist group. They probably know what animals and plants are native to those woods. If you're lucky you can find something endangered in there (a small snail or bird) and the activist groups will work to ban the development.

    Here in Florida it is drought conditions year round. New developments (ironically) also cause flooding because there is nowhere for the water to go when everything's paved over. Plus the new homes tax the already overburdend water system. If there are any existing conditions like that in your area, contact an activist group and ask them to help you at the community meeting.

    Call the local newspaper and ask them to cover the meeting. Or, write a letter to the editor of the newspaper, if the newspaper won't send a reporter out. Start a petition with your friends and neighbors and others who would be harmed by the development.

    Sadly, don't bet on the results you want. Most commissioners are corrupt and suck up to anyone with a buck.

  3. Tell them it will unfairly burden the school system  with children from renters who pay no property tax.And that it unfairly devalues your home.

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