
Help me as I can't take this horrible disasterous news!?

by  |  earlier

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I just read this headline:

"Oscars are a TV ratings dud" <---

I don't know how I can make it through the rest of the day knowing that hardly no one tuned to it see this. It's an emotional assault on me that will take weeks from which to recover. What's next? No one will watch the NBA Playoffs? Tell me it isn't so.




  1. Whoa....are you really serious? can&#039;t make it through the rest of the day??? Believe me, people WILL watch the NBA playoffs!!

    Who cares about the Oscars!!! I make $8.50 an hour to bust my tail at work, some of them get paid  20 million dollars a movie for playing &quot;dress up and make believe&quot;, and not only can I go the rest of the day unscathed the Oscars were a dud, but heck I&#039;d throw a party if I felt like it! Who cares!!!

    When it was movie stars in the day of true &quot;glamor&quot; and regal to see these actors, Charleston Heston in the Ten Commandments, The Green Mile, The Color Purple, Movies that you just walked away in awe, and there are many, Who the heck cares If &quot;Hanna Montana&quot; was dressed up for the Oscars, you have got to be kidding me!!!!!! Get a life dude.....

  2. Yeah... I feel ya, pal!  It&#039;s the end of the world!

  3. Didn&#039;t you know that the Oscars are not rated on talent any more? It is a night for the stars to show off. The Oscar is really for the &quot;best dressed&quot;,  &quot;most expensive jewelry&quot; etc.  

    Don&#039;t worry pal, there will be lots watching the NBA Playoffs!

  4. lol.  I skipped the Oscars and watched the Ballroom Dancing competions on PBS instead. It was waaaay more interesting than the Academy Awards.

    Until the &quot;Academy&quot;  picks movies that people ACTUALLY watch and stops being a podium for celebrities for their pet causes...then the ratings will continue to drop.

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