I am always thinking, thinking about the world and how this effects this and how that effects that and etc. its a bit hard to explain, but i think some of you may grasp what i am saying there.
i am 15.
most people my age worry about their BF or GF but i worry about the world and the economy and life and religon and i want to learn languages. I hope to someday see EVERY country and culture in the world. experience them, not visit the toruist hot spots but see how they live for real.
everything about the world/life seems to interest me.
i find myself classifing people in my mind. figuring out their personalitiys then playing them just correctly to get me on their good side. you know, for fun.
i am extremely apethetic.
i can't spell very well.(spell checker makes this point mute)
i LOVE to read.
i can look at an argument and see both sides clearly.
any ideas? there is so much more but i gave a brief, summary.
thanks everyone.