
Help me choose my carrear.?

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I am always thinking, thinking about the world and how this effects this and how that effects that and etc. its a bit hard to explain, but i think some of you may grasp what i am saying there.

i am 15.

most people my age worry about their BF or GF but i worry about the world and the economy and life and religon and i want to learn languages. I hope to someday see EVERY country and culture in the world. experience them, not visit the toruist hot spots but see how they live for real.

everything about the world/life seems to interest me.

i find myself classifing people in my mind. figuring out their personalitiys then playing them just correctly to get me on their good side. you know, for fun.

i am extremely apethetic.

i can't spell very well.(spell checker makes this point mute)

i LOVE to read.

i can look at an argument and see both sides clearly.

any ideas? there is so much more but i gave a brief, summary.

thanks everyone.




  1. Your career will evolve with your interests, given your hobbies.

    You might also want to expand your activities to include community service types of volunteer work, Am Red Cross, Boy Scouts, etc.  These activities help you to meet new people, both youth and adults, and offers loads of experiences where you have to think on your feet and deal with actual situations.  They also help with your resume as you begin to apply for colleges or jobs.

    You may even want to learn a language, like Japanese.  They say its easy enough to learn and  can also go on your resume.

    Its refreshing to find someone so young care about their future enough to ask a question about their future career.

  2. The traits you are discussing are behaviors which will do you well in your everyday life.  We all need to exhibit these types of characteristics in order to be successful and productive citizens.

    But, for a career, I would tend to choose a discipline which will garner an acceptable level of pecuniary remuneration and a bit of the altruistic goals which you describe.

    I suggest a career in in the social sciences, such as psychology or linguistics.

    You can make a significant difference in thousands of people's lives in these fields, and seek your other more altruistic goals in both your spare time and at work.

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